Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The holidays and an update

I did not get to wish everyone a merry Christmas! What a tragedy. So merry belated Christmas! What did you get? As for me, I got a book light(the one I got for my birthday broke already. ): ), Clothes, a new Bible, an Amazon gift card, nail polish, body wash,  two beautiful necklaces, and more that I haven't yet mentioned. I do hope everyone is having a great time with their family and their gifts.

But please, please do not forget what Christmas is all about. Many people hear that and roll their eyes. As if they're thinking,"I know, I know, Jesus was born. Thanks, God." But I don't think people understand. Jesus was born to die. AND HE KNEW IT. But He had good spirits and performed miracles, just proving He was God's true son.

So please do a little more than smile about your gifts. Thank God, really, honestly thank Him.
This Christmas it is very hard for a friend of my family - even for me to be thankful. See my blog post from May 12th. Lee was dying. Totally dying. His body was shutting down completely. The chemo and radiation was killing him. Inside, everything was slowly shutting down.

And then one day, he shut down. December 24th, 11:45 pm. 15 Minutes before Christmas, he died. I did not know him too well, but he and my family grew close over the months we knew him. For those of you who do not know, he had stage four children's cancer, even though he was 20. From the start they knew it was terminal. Actually, at first they thought it was testicular cancer, stage four. But he got better from that chemo until he went and saw a different doctor.

That doctor told him it was a child's cancer that was found in bone & tissue. They started him on that chemo. He got better before he got worse. He didn't have enough of a certain kind of cells to continue chemo. Turns out the radiation was killing him. The last few weeks of his life consisted of him only taking pain medication. His death is a tragedy.

But I have a peace that sways me. He was a believer. His faith increased even more during his cancer treatments. He was a strong Christian, I could tell. I am glad I got to know him, and although I am disappointed he is gone know, I'm glad he was here for his 20 years.

I do ask you, though, to pray for his step mother, his father, and his actual mother. Also, please pray for his three month old, sick baby sister. That family is going through a rough time, and although you will never be able to forget the day someone close to you dies, they are reminded during the jolliest time of the year.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sixteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton

Wow! It has certainly been a while since I have done a book review. That kind of upsets me, in a way. Haha. Well let's go!

Sixteenth Summer is written by Michelle Dalton but also goes by the name Elizabeth Lenhard.
The book revolves around Anna Patrick in her small town of Dune Island, Georgia (it is fictional, but based off of Tybee Island. Fun fact: I used to go there all the time. :]) It's the beginning of the summer and Anna is just dreading it. First, her two best friends have started dating and Anna is worried about being the third-wheel. But then she meets Will. Perfect Will who just happens to be from New York City.

Anna and Will's relationship grows wildly and they fall in love. While Will is just living in the present, Anna can't get it off her mind that he will be leaving for New York soon.

This Summer romance is absolutely adorable. It will fill you with gushy weirdness that you didn't know you had in you, but at times break your heart. This is an extraordinary book that I highly recommend.

This is all, everyone. I do hope you buy and/or check out this book, it is wonderful. I actually enjoyed reading it this winter, it reminded me of the summer and what I am looking forward to. Enjoy!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Upcoming events

My agenda:

Saturday: Parade(going to be on the float I helped make)

Sunday: Church, possible cookie-making day.

Monday: Bible Study/ school.

Tuesday: school.

Wednesday: Church again/ school.

Thursday: school

Friday: Usual Friday activities.

Saturday: Chores/ Church activity.

Sunday: Church/ Brothers birthday.

Monday: My birthday/ Last Beth Moore Bible Study.

As you can see, my next to weeks will be quite busy. Not to mention the 21st I have Dirty Santa party to go to and we're leaving the 22nd to go to Michigan for Christmas.

Aye Aye Aye. :p

I'm going to be 13 soon! I have a few things I want (mostly Sims), but most importantly I just want random stuff to where I won't be able to guess what they are, haha. What's your Christmas List?
And what do YOU think it is, a "Holiday Tree" or a Christmas Tree?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello all! How are you doing? HMMM? :D I'm swell. Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we're having quite a few people over, so I doubt I'll be on. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

Whatever they are, I wish you the best! That's all. (:


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Little Anthem for the American People

Let's Start a Riot--Three Days Grace.

Don't take it too seriously. Unless you want to.

Honestly, I'm completely convinced that Obama will show his true colors in his second term. That is, if he has one. America still has a chance, if the Electoral College is smart enough to say that Obama doesn't need a second term.

He sickens me, and I won't waste my post talking all about him. Here's a few little facts(I guess you could call them).

- Obama promised not to run for a second term unless he cut the deficit in half. Did he? No.

- Liberal media (i.e CNN, MSNBC) didn't talk about when people would click on Romney's name (on the electric voting machines) and it would go to Obama, but did when you clicked on Obama and it went to Romney. Which, the video that the 'victim' posted told it was legit, not edited, but it's very sketchy. 

The video:

- Yesterday in Ohio, a couple went to vote, but when they tried, people told them they cannot vote AGAIN. As in, someone had voted for them.

So that's all for today. Enjoy your lives, as much as you can.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Just a little update.

Hey, I know it has been a while since my last post. But I'm back! Things were a little crazy after it. I went to a rally in North Caroline to go see Mitt Romney, which was an amazing time. My sister and Mom went with. My sister, Carlie, shook his hand. My grandparents were the ones who invites us, although, since we had some family there, they decided to go last minute.

Another thing is that the election is in less than 24 hours!

My parents are really stressed out about it.

A few more things have happened, my parents went to Michigan to visit my brother and his kids(well, that was mostly my mom (; ), and my dad went hunting. He shot a deer with a bow-and-arrow. A perfect shot, my Great Uncle Joe said. Just my parents went up there, and us kids stayed home, but my Grandparents came to stay with us for 4/5 of the days my parents were gone.

Alsoooooo, "Imagine," the first copy of that magazine my poem The Beauty of Art came out a few days ago on Amazon. Hee-hee. THAT'S convenient. (;

My final thing is that NaNoWriMo started and I don't think I'll have the time to do it. :/
Next year, hopefully.

I will be back soon with a new outfit, more about what's going on, about what I think of who won the election (hopefully Romney).

 Until then, I ask you this question:

If you could vote (or if you are): who would (or are!) you vote for?

My answer is Governor Willard Mitt Romney, of course.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shaking as I write.

Okay, I received an email today. Firstly, before I begin, i apologize if my typing is a little off--I'm shaking as I write. OMG.
Alright, I'll go on. A while ago, I entered a few of my poems into the Whit Ash Literary Magazine contest and I got an email just recently saying the following:

Dear Ms. Bostek,
Congratulations! Your submission was read through carefully and our editors have reached the conclusion that you are exactly the kind of writer we are looking for. Your submission, The Beauty of Art, has been accepted for publication in the first issue of White Ash Literary Magazine. Attached is a contract that must be signed for your submission to be included in our magazine along with a special certificate of publication. If you are underage, a parent's signature must also be included. Please sign and send the contract back to us along with a three-line biography written in the third person for the About our Writers section of the magazine.
Thank you,
White Ash Editors

I am literally bursting at the seams. I want to cry. But instead I'm shaking like I'm freezing.


Thank God, thank God. <3

Friday, October 12, 2012

Asheville, North Carolina.

It has certainly been a while. Wow. Well, I'm here with some excited news on my behalf. About a week ago, my grandparents were invited to go see Mitt Romney in Asheville North Carolina for a rally. You may not know this about me, but now you do: I love politics!
I'm very involved in what's going on in our government, my entire family is. So this was a big thing. The rally was free, sure, but it was pretty hard to get into, nonetheless get a good seat. My grandparents invited my entire family, or whoever was able to go. All of my family was excited, really hoping we could go.
Unfortunately, my Mom wasn't sure if we could afford it; we still have many trips for the rest of the year. We all kind of deflated there. I mean, how many times do you get to see the next president of the United States speak just yards in front of you, possibly shake his hand!?
We got this news on a Wednesday. On Thursday evening around dinner time, my mom asked me to see if the coupons she was trying to print out did. I walked over, watched the printer spat out the paper and told her it did. Next to the printer, was the computer which it was attached to. I sat in the chair and was going to browse the internet. So I looked at the computer screen and my mom just-so-happened to leave what she was printing out up.
Now let me tell you - they weren't coupons. They were three tickets to go see Mitt Romney six hours away in Asheville, North Carolina. My sister and I had a conniption. So we packed our bags for a day, and hopped into the car at five thirty in the morning the next day (we would gain an hour in NC). They let people in at 3:30. We were awfully scared if we would get in - there was talk about if you're not there by 3:30, you may not get in.
SIX HOURS PEOPLE. To get some where we may not even be able to get into! Anyhow, we got in, yes we did. Around 4 o'clock. And GUESS WHAT. Near him. Less than 8 yards away! Also, Mike Huckabee was there. Love him too. :-)
 We enjoyed being there, even if we had to walk a mile to get back to the car with our aching feet. So...guess what...
My sister shook Mitt Romney's hand.
I didn't get to, though. ; -( Some guy with B.O shoved his way in front of me. For a while, I was mashed up against two guys. Couldn't move. I kept telling my sister that I was squished. She just laughed. ;-(
BUTTTTTT. OMG. It was amazing. I got to see my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins. Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, John Boehner, and a bunch of local people.
Oh, and anyone watch the VP debate last night? Joe Biden ticked me off. Anyway. Yeah. Gotta go. Dinner!

Monday, September 17, 2012

New life.

My nephew, Connor Philip Bostek, was born September 16th at 5:45 in the morning, weighing 7 lbs, 3oz. <3

^ My sister in-law, brother and, of course, Connor.

^ My niece, Gracie, and her little brother, Connor.
^ Again, my niece and her brother.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


That's where I am. As you may know from my previous post, I'm on vacation here. Yay, vacation. Anyhow, I probably metioned(if I didn't, now I am) that I don't have Internet access at my grandparent's cabin. That is still true, but I'm writing this at the library.

Ha-ha, I found some way to get to the library. Actually my grandfather offered because he loves it here too, and I just-so-happened to want to go. I decided that while I'm here, since I can get on the computer for free, why not update my blog? I think I'll do a book review. On a book. Called Matched.  For some odd reason this computer doesn't show that I can put italics or anything. :\  But anyway, this book is by Ally Condie.

This book is about a girl named Cassia who lives in a society where the government knows everything. The book begins on the night of Cassia's match banquet. A match banquet is where you get matched with someone who you will marry. You pretty much eat, wait until your name is called, and then see who you'll be with for the rest of your life. Well, until you're eighty and you're pretty much put to sleep (I mean you eat food and ten minutes later you're dead).

No living longer than that.

Anyway, Cassia's at her banquet with her best friend Xander, and her name is called. Normally, the face of her hubby would pop up on the screen and they would smile at each other until the face dissolves into black again. Alas, Cassia's screen stays black. Then all of the sudden, someone walks on the stage and says that Cassia is, in fact, matched with her best friend Xander.

Yay, happy ending! Not so much. The story continues on as she takes her box that tells about her soon-to-be-hubby and BAM. That face isn't Xander. Well it was, but now it's Ky. As in, her other friend. The Abberation. Buuuuuut, the Society doesn't make mistakes y'all. That means this was a "cruel joke," as Cassia's officer put it.

But Cassia can't help but notice things she didn't  before she knew Ky was an Abberation. He's sweet, gentle, nice--everything she likes. But so is Xander...

Join Cassia in a huh-uge adventure as she falls for Ky, drifts from Xander, and rebels against Society.  It is quite entertaining. 

I love this book and am off to read Crossed, the second book and to rage about how once I finish Crossed, the third book won't. be. out. yet. Not until Nov. 13th.

Ah well, enjoy yourselves and I do hope I'll have pictures of camp to show you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another outfit and a quick update.

Hello! How're you guys? I do apologize for not updating in a while, I've been quite busy with starting the new school year. I want to update you all about what's going on also. Friday, I will be leaving for vacation to Buckhannon, West Virginia. My grandparents own a little cottage on the river that we like to call "camp." We'll be there until the 16th, and I will be unable to update my blog because they don't have any internet connection.

This place is very calming for my entire family. We can't get distracted with school, work, phones, television, or the Internet. How will I live without those things, you may ask. Honestly, it isn't hard. First, we have family there to hang out and converse with. Second, outdoor activities; hikes, swimming, rock climbing(climbing rock-to-rock on the river, not that kind of rock climbing), and fishing. Third, we have the town. It may take fifteen minutes to get to the town, but once you're there you have plenty of activities. 

I will also have another book review going soon. Yay! And now for the outfit;


  Messenger bag:

Tank: $19.95 at
Blazer: $39.94 at Oldnavy,
Jeans: $30.00 at
Boots: $39.50 at
Bag: $49.95 at

The prices aren't too bad. A little high, butttt...oh well. Enjoy! (:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Clothes & Poems

Alright. I've chosen which poems I want to enter. I'm thinking "The Beauty of Art," "Until the End," and "Waiting for You."
What do you think? Also, I've seen on Emma's blog about those cute putting clothes together and I thought I'd give it a try; it sounded fun. So, tell me what you think. I kind of have a wild style so. ;p




Skirt Price: $42.00
Shirt: $59.99
Shoes: $59.00
Clutch: $49.00

Enjoy. (: And sorry for the prices.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I need YOUR votes.

Alright. I got a message on Figment about a magazine looking for poetry and/or short stories. I'd really love to enter my poetry but I just don't know what to put in. That's why I'm going to ask all of you guys what your favorite is and what you think would be most likely to win. Alright! Here I go. Please be honest! And, btw, you can only choose three!

Waiting for You:
I am here waiting
all alone.
Waiting for you,
for you to come home.
Over and over,
I sit here.
Every evening,
Waiting for you,
for you to come home.
I have tried
to forget about you,
But all I can do is sit here
waiting for you,
for you to come home.
I look back,
back at your photos,
and I cry.
I sit here,
waiting for you,
for you to come home.
Here I sit
longing for you,
for you to come home.

 Until the End (A Figment and Inkpop favorite):

It's a perfect day for a funeral,
dark and gloomy.
Rain is stained on the broken bricks,
and all love is lost.
Drenched in black, everyone is.

Covered in dark make-up,
when I cry, My tears are black.
Perfect for the occasion.

That you're gone.
Those times what we were together,
are all gone.
They are simply memories.
Not reality.

Is what you did.
You faked our love.
You said that you'd never leave,
what about now?
Where are you?

Is what I am without you.
Tell me please,
where you are.

That is what I am,
because you are gone.
We were going to die together,
don't you remember?

Is what you are.
Ladies first,
you always said.
It was me who should die first.

You will do.
dance with the Devil.

Forget me,
and I will forget you.

I Wish You Well:

I'm So sick and tired.
I see right through you now.
I'm sickened by your surprise.
You left me all alone, to rot on my own.
As days go bye, I find myself breaking.
My heart becomes cold.
"Take me, take me," I say once again.
"Please let me in. Don't break me again."
You smile your devilish grin, ignoring me,
and continue to walk over me,
like you've done for years now.

Tomorrow you'll be talkin' to yourself, askin' yourself,
"Why did I do this?"
I'll come back, just to shut you out again.
I wish you well, my dear, I wish you well.

Some of the Thing I Love:

We gather 'round the couch,
my Dad reminds us not to slouch.
We talk so long,
our voices like a song,
no matter how long.
A small hand takes mine,
and we dance;
we shine.
Together tonight,
we use all our might,
to keep our friendship strong
no matter how wrong.
These are only some of the things I love,
we kiss, we love, we hug.
To spend time together,
our love as fragile as a feather,
these are only some of the things I love.

Dark Days:

My darkest days have come,
unfortunately not followed by the sun.

My faith in you is dry,
and I need sometime to be my guide.

If you reach out your love,
maybe then will come the sun.

But until that day,
I will have to sit here and wait.

The Beauty of Art::

They say a smile is worth a million words,
but you can't see it if Mona Lisa's back is turned.
Not even the crinckle of her eyes and the dimples that she hides.

And what about Van Gogh; the starry night he shows?
You wouldn't even know how bright the night is,
no, you wouldn't even know if your eyes were closed.

So I tell you, open your eyes to the beauty outside, and
never turn your back, unless you promise to look back.
Because you can't always see when your last second will be,
and your creativity is just ready to breathe.

Love, Faith, Trust, and Hope:

 Love is fragile, love is rare,
love is something that we share.

Faith is strong, faith is long,
faith is something not many live on.

Trust is hard, but trust is great,
no matter how long it will take.

Hope is trust, hope is faith,
hope is love, and so, so great.


All of these poems are written by me, I promise.  Remember, only choose three! Thanks SO much<3

Monday, August 13, 2012


Dana Hathaway lives with her drunkard mother in the United States, but when she shows up at her voice recital drunk...again, Dana decides she has had enough and goes to Avalon--the only place where humans and faerie intersect--to visit her father. Despite the stories Dana's mother has told her about her father being evil, she goes. Only to figure out that she's of a rare kind: a faeriewalker--the last one in fact.

Being a faeriewalker means that Dana can travel between Faerie and the mortal world. Also, she can bring technology into Faerie and magic into the mortal world. Having these abilities means that Dana is a sought-after girl. So sought-after, in fact, people want her killed.

Caught in between a terrible game of Fae politic, Dana must juggle creating a relationship with her new-found father, her friend ships with her crush, Ethan, and his sister, Kimber, also Dana's best friend. Caught between two worlds, Dana wonders if her world will ever go back to normal.

Author: Jenna Black

I would probably recommend this book 13+, due to slight language in the beginning, kind of progressing toward the end. Overall though, it was a very intriguing book, pulling me in and not letting me out.(:
There are two other books in the series: Shadowspell, and Sirensong. They're both good, but the second one is probably 14+.

Have a great time, guyssss!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


So I have a few things to show you/ talk about. First off, I accidently Googled my blog-- abbisbookblog is what I Googled-- and I saw this! ^^

AH. :D Oh ma gawsh.

Second, I got my Sammy Keyes book in the mail the 25th. It was killing me not to read it right then, but I HAD to wait until the 26th so I could read it straight through. So. It was amazing. Duh. ;D
I totally can't write a review that would make it seem as awesome as it totally was, so you'll have to read about it yourself.

And third. Well. Honestly I kind of forgot what I was going to say. Oops. x)

This is a really short post. I don't know why. Probably because I totally just forgot what I was going to write.
I'll just babble.
So I've really been itching to write about an idea I had, but I'm absolutely positive I'll remember what the idea is(Unlike how I forgot what I was gonna write xp), so I think I'll wait until one of my books is finished. Even though that isn't in the near future, it will happen. I want to spend today writing more on Kidnapped while I re-install Sims 3 and its expansion packs.

I think I'll go do that now, because it's near-finished.
I really hope y'all have a great rest of the summer! Bye!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Colorado Shooting

As you all have probably heard, there was a shooting in Aurora, Colorado on Friday, killing 12 and wounding 72 people. I've held back on blogging about this because I wanted to get my facts straight so I didn't post false information. The suspect is James Holmes, 24 year old straight-A student and college drop out. It was told that he walked into the premier of  The Dark Knight Rises through the emergency exit, threw a bomb of some sort and started shooting innocent people.
Like I said before, 12 people were killed. The youngest of 6 years old and the oldest of 52. He wounded 72 people, a 4 month old of the youngest. Thankfully the baby survived, but it was shot. No one really knows why he did this, but they do know it was planned, probably a few months ahead. James Holmes' apartment  was booby trapped, having several amateur bombs that would have immediately gone off if someone walked through his door. Thank goodness no one did.
I really just pray for the families grieving over their loss, as well as the many people effected by this. I also pray for James Holmes and that he realizes what he's done and how awful it was and just asks for forgiveness. I pray that he finds God's grace and realizes that it's something you can't live without. The Holmes family I also pray for, because this has got to have effected them very much for the behavior for their relative.
I really hope that all of you pray for these people as well, including James Holmes;although he has done something so huge and hurtful, he still deserves to have God's forgiveness.

Have a great day you guys.(:


Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Beauty of Art

Hey guys! I just want to share with you a poem I've written for a little contest on Figment. You had to write about art--any form of art. Dance, painting, singing;anything. I chose Painting. I hope you enjoy!

They say a smile is worth a million words, 

but you can't see it if Mona Lisa's back is turned.

Not even the crinckle of her eyes and the dimples that she hides.

And what about Van Gogh; the starry night he shows?

You wouldn't even know how bright the night is,

no, you wouldn't even know if your eyes were closed.

So I tell you, open your eyes to the beauty outside, and

never turn your back, unless you promise to look back.

Because you can't always see when your last second will be,

and your creativity is just ready to breathe.

©2012 AbaGayle Bostek

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Delirium--Lauren Oliver

Welcome to a country where love is a disease. You cannot talk, be seen with or, even touch an uncured person of the opposite gender. Well, how would you get married? Date? You don't. You get tested 1-10 in high school;the better score, the better match(husband) you'll get. They pick three people for you to choose from and you choose one of those people. And college? Well if you don't get into a college, you get married immediately out of high school, after undergoing a surgery that will make sure you don't get the disease. But there's something about this surgery.

You change.

And for Lena, she's all for getting a great match and settling down. She even counts the days! But then she falls for someone--someone who is over 18 who didn't get cured and ran off to the Wilds...

And Invalid.

But the days count down to her surgery and the closer she gets to Alex--the Invalid. Somehow she needs to cross the border to the Wilds so she and Alex can finally not have to look over their shoulders when they
touch, kiss, talk. Even smile at each other. They have it all planned out. 

Lena doesn't figure she'll be leaving anything besides her young, mute, cousin Grace and her best friend Hana. Her father died of cancer when she was young and her mother commited suicide, after trying to be cured three--almost four--times. They plan the day they'll leave, when, and how. They're so happy about the plan.

Until things start going wrong.

Author: Lauren Oliver

A great read and I'd recommend it to anyone who can stand intense language occasionally. Alex, Lena, Hana, and all of the characters are very great. In my opinion, it was kind of a knockoff of the Uglies series. Also, it took a while for me to really get into it. Around fifty to one hundred pages is how long it took. But don't worry! You'll totally love it.

It's a total, make-you-cry-more-than-once and laugh-out-loud kind of book. I hope you will read this and also read her other books:
Before I Fall
and eventually:

Thank guys and enjoy your summer!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Flipped the novel and the movie

Have you ever heard of Wendelin Van Draanen? Probably best known for her novel Flipped, or the Sammy Keyes series? Well, I am a huge fan of both the novel and the series. I read Flipped  a while back--probably right after I had got my Kindle for Christmas.

Anyway, I read the book. It's in a he-said, she-said style and very good, despite the few cuss words here and there. Her books have always intrigued me and this one especially. It is about a boy--Bryce Losk--and a girl--Juli Baker--friends since second grade. Well...not exactly friends.

See, Bryce thought Julie was a totally freak-stalker-neighbor girl with bad eggs and a bad yard--What the heck am I talking about? Well you'll know if you read the book--and totally despised her. Though, after hurting her a few times, he kind of just...well...flipped! He fell for her right as she was un-falling for him.

The story goes on and well, in the end he does something good that pretty much made up for everything bad he'd ever done to her. I'm dying to tell you what happens but I'll let you find that out for yourself. (;

Now to the movie. YES THE MOVIE. It came out in 2010 with Madeline Carroll as Juli Baker and Callan McAuliffe as Bryce Loski. Both did a wonderful job with the movie. Most everything was exactly as I had imagined, and some wasn't. There were a few parts that I thought should have been in there that weren't, but really.

It was great!

Now, I have heard that--


Sammy Keyes and the Power of Justice Jack came out!? :O It isn't on my library website though, unfortunately.


Well, I'll stop complaining before it gets crazy. Hahah, goodnight, guys! Have a great rest of the summer.(:


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Been a while

Hey, everyone! It's been a while, huh? Well, sorry about that. I had a lot of my family visiting and then I went on vacation for a little but. But I had to come back from vacation a few days early to show my house. While we were on vacation, my dad got a text from a couple that saw our house on this website called zillow, and my dad thought it was a good idea to come home early and show it. Our vacation got sidetracked anyway. We were originally supposed to go to West Virginia but the storms hit, power was out, so we just stayed in Tennessee.
We came home and my sister- who I share a bedroom with-and clean our closet. OH MY GOODNESS! ;o
Our room--you couldn't see the floor. I was covered in clothes. It took hours to clean! I'm so glad it was over. So on Sunday they saw the house--loved it. They made an estimate of what they would buy for it. My dad went a little higher seeing what they would say. Unfortunately they thought it was a little too high. Then my dad said he'd meet them in the middle, they said they weren't comfortable spending that much and were concerned about the siding we have.
It's Masonite siding.
Pretty much masonite siding is cardboard that will swell up if not sealed properly. My father assured them that it was sealed and painted--nothing would go wrong. I guess they still didn't like the price.
But the thing is they want a house in OUR neighborhood for a really good price--that's hard to find. We're 2 minutes from town, have a nice neighborhood, and our home is great.
What wouldn't they want!? Haha(: I guess because I've lived here for 2 years I'm ready for some new scenery.
I can assure you I'll be blogging more.
And writing.
I haven't done much of that lately. Good news!
People from Figment seem to like "Kidnapped"!
Well I should be going now. Bye, guys!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How Sweet! I've Been Nominated for Awards!♥

Ugh. I'm sorry, but LOOK at that. "Kreativ"? 
So I'm not totally sure what these awards are, but Seana nominated me for them.Yay! So honored. (:
Okay, so there are gonna be rules, and there will be questions. I hate answering questions, but I also love answering them, so let us see how this goessss.

Le rules:
I must answer 10[it says ten, but there are only nine. o-o] questions.
I must give 10 facts(fun or not!)about myself.
I must pass this on to seven lucky bloggers, whose blog is at least 50% about books.

Okay, okay. Those don't seem too bad to follow, right? Now pay attention, you'll be learning here.

Question número uno: What is your favorite song? Now, c'mon. I'm a music girl! I can't possibly choose. But OH WELL. I will. My favorite song [at the moment] is.. drum roll please,..."Say You'll Haunt Me" by Stone Sour. Lately, I haven't been able to get it out of my head.

Question número dos: What is your favorite dessert? That's easy! A Milkshake--if that counts.

Question el número tres: What ticks you off? OH. Well I could go on and on here, but I suppose I won't. What really ticks me off is when people are loud[specifically my sister and brother; at the moment, my brother is shouting squirrel to get the dog we're dog-sitting to stop coming to the door. >.<] They inherited it from my father. My sister is always shouting "so people will listen to her," and my brother is just loud to be loud.

Question número cuatro: When you're upset, what do you do? When I'm upset, I tend to annoy myself via my mind.

Question número cinco: What is your favorite pet? My favorite pet is a dog. I love how cute they are when they're puppies, and I love all of the different breeds.

Question el número seis: Which do you prefer, black or white? Black. I like it because I love the way neon colors look against it. It's just a really beautiful color to me.

Question número siete: What is your attitude? I'm usually a quiet, happy person.I'm very calm and staying away from the arguing that goes on in my family.

Question el número ocho: What is perfection? Perfection? Well you're looking at it! Hah. That's a joke. I honestly think that nothing is perfect besides God and Heaven. Perfection: The quality or condition of being perfect.

Question número nueve: What is your guilty pleasure? I'm so ashamed to say this, but I like it when people(other than me) get in trouble. D:

Like your Spanish lesson? Good. Okay, now here are the facts!

1. I have moved over 6 times in my 12 years of life.

2. I started home-schooling in 3rd grade.

3. I have OCD.

4. The worst medical issue I have ever had was getting poison oak. Or getting a glass door dropped on me when I was 10 months old(I have a dent on my forehead!)

5. I never really liked reading or writing until I moved here, to Alabama.

6. I am only six chapters into Jane Eyre and I've had it for a while.

7. I have 2 sisters and two brothers.

8. I am an aunt to a beautiful niece and an on-the-way-nephew.

9. Math is my worst subject, yet I love it so much.

10. I haven't read the Hunger Games yet. GASP.

YAY! You know more about Abbi now!

OH OH! Another award! ^^ 

I like this award. Looks nice[er]. More rules. Yipee.

 1.This award is for book bloggers only. To receive this award the blog must be at least 50% about books (reading or writing is okay).
2.Along with receiving this award, you must also share your top five favorite books you have ever read. (More than five is okay).
3.You must give this award to 5-10 other lucky book blogs you adore.

Okay, so here are the five books I love. They're not in order.

1.All the books in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld.

2. Things I Know About Love by Kate Le Vann.

3. All the books in the Sammy Keyes series by Wendelin Van Drannen.

4. Rules by Cynthia Lord.

5. All of the The Year I Turned Sixteen series by Diane Schwemm.

Haha, funny thing. I've blogged about all of these books! ^^

Here are the people I am giving the awards to(Sorry if someone has already nominated you! :o)


July A. Emmance






Have a great day guys! This has taken me, like, two hours. x)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Prayer requests, and an update for tomorrow.

Hey, guys! First off, I'm going to start off with a prayer request. My fathers' work partners' son just got diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. He has a 10 centimeter tumor in his brain, and is starting chemo soon. I would really appreciate it if you guys could pray for him. He's only 20 years old. That's the same age as my brother, and I couldn't imagine him having cancer.
The last time we had a group prayer for him is when we found out and we were at the zoo with my brother, niece, and sister in-law. We stopped looking at the bird and we all took hands and prayed. A week after we did that, we found out he was having less headaches and his tumor was visibly smaller! Yay!
But anyway, please pray for him. The other day we had him over for dinner--this was when he wasn't on meds and already knew he had cancer--he looked great and happy. He was laughing, smiling, cracking jokes, and was just happy. Then, today my parents went to see him and give him food and gifts. They said he was very weak, tired, and pitiful.
How could it be, a man who was on top of the world a week ago, was now so different? Sometimes I wonder if God is the cure to cancer. I mean....sometimes medicine and stuff like that don't work, right? And sometimes you don't need medication to get better. Maybe God's the medicine. So maybe, if you don't have faith in God, you can survive cancer. And maybe if you do you won't. But most of the time you will. I don't know why I'm bringing this up, but it has been on my mind for a while now, and I just wanted to get y'alls take on it.
Now, on to the other thing about this post. Tomorrow, as some of you may or may not know, is home-school day. I'm home-schooled, and this year, 6 flags is doing something cool for home-schoolers! They put their tickets half-priced for only home-schoolers, and, guess what else is cool?! The park will only be open for us home-schoolees. Isn't this cool? And tomorrow morning, my mom is taking my siblings and I. So that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. I hope some of you other home-schooled people will be there, too to share the fun! It's getting late, and I have to get up early tomorrow, so I guess I'll sign off!

Night guys,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Avengers

Hey, guys.(: So I just got back from seeing the movie,"The Avengers." It's a great movie, and I really recommend it to anyone. It didn't have much inappropriate language that I can recall, so it's probably for ages 11-old people. But that also depends on how protective your parents are. They may not want you going to a movie that has mild language in it.

The cast of Avengers consists of: Chris Evans[Captain America], Jeremy Renner[Hawkeye], Robert Downey Jr.[Iron Man], Mark Ruffalo,[Hulk], Chris Hemsworth[Thor], Scarlett Johansson[Black Widow]. 

All of these actors did a wonderful job with the movie. You don't need to be a comic book freak to love this movie and want to go see it. I didn't even want to go see it, but I did. It was a great movie, the plot was good, and the actors did a wonderful job...acting.

For those of you who don't know the plot, here it is(not written by me. All by Wikipedia): 

The Asgardian Loki encounters the Other, the leader of a warmongering alien race known as the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract, a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki a Chitauri army with which he can subjugate the Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., arrives at a remote research facility during an evacuation, where physicist Dr. Erik Selvig is leading a research team experimenting on the Tesseract. Agent Maria Hill explains that the object has begun radiating an unusual form of energy. The Tesseract suddenly activates and opens a portal, allowing Loki to reach Earth. Loki takes the Tesseract and uses his staff to enslave Selvig and several agents, including Clint Barton, to aid him in his getaway.
In response to the attack, Fury reactivates the "Avengers Initiative". Agent Natasha Romanoff is sent to India to recruit Dr. Bruce Banner; agent Phil Coulson visits Tony Stark to have him review Selvig's research; and Fury approaches Steve Rogers with an assignment to retrieve the Tesseract. While Barton steals iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power, Loki causes a distraction in Stuttgart, Germany, leading to a confrontation with Rogers, Stark, and Romanoff that ends with Loki's surrender. While being escorted back to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor, Loki's adoptive brother, arrives and frees Loki hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return him to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier, and imprison him until the Tesseract can be acquired.
The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons as a deterrent against hostile extra-terrestrials. As the group argues, Barton, and Loki's other possessed agents, attack the Helicarrier, disabling its engines in flight and causing Banner to transform into the Hulk. Stark and Rogers try to restart the damaged engines, and Thor attempts to stop the Hulk's rampage. Romanoff fights Barton, and knocks him unconscious, breaking Loki's mind control. Loki escapes after killing Coulson, and Thor and the Hulk are each ejected from the airship. Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team. Stark and Rogers realize that simply defeating them will not be enough for Loki; he needs to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth. Loki uses the Tesseract, in conjunction with a device Selvig built, to open a portal above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion.
The Avengers rally in defense of New York City, but quickly realize they will be overwhelmed as wave after wave of Chitauri descend upon Earth. With help from Barton, Rogers, Stark, and Thor evacuate civilians, while Banner transforms back into the Hulk and goes after Loki, eventually beating him into submission. Romanoff makes her way to the portal, where Selvig, freed of Loki's control, reveals that Loki's staff can be used to close the portal. Meanwhile, Fury's superiors attempt to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Manhattan. Stark intercepts the missile and takes it through the portal toward the Chitauri fleet. The missile detonates, destroying the invaders' lead ship, thereby disabling their forces on Earth. Stark's suit runs out of power and he falls back through the portal, but the Hulk saves him from crashing to the ground. Romanoff deactivates the portal to prevent further invasion. In the aftermath, Thor returns Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard. Fury notes that the Avengers will return when they are needed.
I really hope some of you will consider going to see the movie, it really is great. Even if you wait until it comes on Redbox, or you see it on Netflix, please do see it. That's all the time I have for today.(: 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Editing. Sigh.

Hey(: So I know quite a bit of y'all wanted another excerpt of all my projects, But unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to writing lately. I've had a lot of visitors, like my brother and his wife and daughter, my kinda sister and my grandparents. Still have a few people over, but they'll be leaving soon, I'm sure. Then I'll probably be able to write a little more. After I do some editing, that is. Kidnapped is having some editing going on, not sure when that'll be finished. Next time I can actually get on a computer, probably. I've been stuck on the iPhone & iPad. Unfortunately, I can only wrote this short post, because I'm being climbed on :p Love you guys, Abbi

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Family members.

Hey! Sorry I've been taking a while to post, lately my life has been really...emotional. Good and bad, I must say. A while ago, my brother and his wife announced that his wife was pregnant. We all were overjoyed and congratulated the both of them.They went in for an ultrasound a few weeks ago, but they couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. This past Monday, they texted a picture to my Mom that said,"BOY," and had the baby on it.
We were so happy, and my mom is really pushing for them to name him Aiden Cole.(: She adores that name.
Another thing that happened was a friend of ours who is really like a sister to my siblings and like a daughter to my Mom & Dad, said that she was pregnant about 6 weeks back. She was so excited for the news, seeing as though she had been trying to get pregnant for 2 years now.
She had gone to the doctors a few times to see how the baby is doing, and his numbers(for something I can't remember, but were reeeeaaallllyyy important) were lower then average babies that age. She was pretty worried, but when she went to the doctor this past Monday(the same Monday as my brothers' news)and there was no heartbeat.
None at all.
She texted my and a few of her friends saying that it was too hard to call all of them and explain, but she had a miscarriage that morning. She is absolutely devastated and my family is too. But to add to all of the stress of they day, the doctors found something on my new nephews head, and he had liquid in his liver. They told my brother and sister-in-law that there is a possible chance that their son could be born with down syndrome.
Just today, the doctors called my brother saying that there is NOTHING on their son's brain, and the liquid is gone. They told him there is a very, very, very slim chance that their son will be born with down syndrome. So, as you can see...pretty emotional.
I've been praying that the monitor which was used to tell the heartbeat of Ashleigh's baby was incorrect and faulty and that there is STILL and alive baby inside of her. Though the chances and small, I know God can do some very amazing things.
That's all for today guys, love you!!! :]


Monday, April 16, 2012

Abbi has glasses

Hey there! Abbi here telling you about how I can see clearly now the rain is gone. Heh...sorry. I had to. But anyway, I can see clearly now! I got an eye test the other day(You might've read it in my Online diary) and they said I have really bad vision...anyway, today I got my glasses. And WOW. I can see so much better.(: It's really amazing actually. Funny thing...I'm sitting in front of the computer(which caused my bad vision) wearing glasses.

Okay, so there was this Mama bird who made her nest in our garage and then there were four little eggies. A week or so ago, the eggs hatched and out came four little birdies into our large world. Just yesterday they began to learn to fly.

There was one little bird that didn't learn how to fly though. Let's name him/her  Muffin. Well, muffin got  stuck behind some wood, and I noticed that yesterday. So I told my Dad. He said,"Well, it's a bird. It will get out, leave it be," I left the bird alone, figuring it would get out. But this morning, my mom saw the mom tweeting at the wood, and my sister went out and got the bird from behind the wood.

It wasn't able to fly, but we didn't know if it was the birds foot or the wing. So today we looked up how to help a bird that we didn't know what was wrong with. The mom was happy and fed it(it could have died without food for more than 24 hours!) and we let it waddle around the garage. Muffin got stuck in the fence and we just noticed it.

My Mom and my sister JUST went outside to get it out when they saw something terrible: Muffin's head was no longer there. Muffin is dead(R.I.P Muffin<3). We figured out that the murderer was a chipmunk.(I'm making this sound more bad then it is.) The chipmunk was just getting better and then the flipping chipmunk killed the week old baby! My mother is blaming herself and now she's going,"WE KILL ALL THE CHIPMUNKS. I KNOW WHERE THEY LIVE!" No kidding, she does. o-o

So all I wanna say is rest in peace little Muffin, and I know you're in a better place now<3 Oh, so sad. We really were helping it get better, and then it's dead. We're going to love the mom and other babies<3


Thursday, April 5, 2012

How do You Subtract?

Subtraction on one of the basic things that you learn in Math. Same as adding, dividing, and multiplying. Those are the first things that come to mind, right? Well, as simple as these things seem, they're not. I know you're going,"They're not?" 

Hmm. Well, maybe for you, but not for me. All of you know--or at least I believe you do--that I'm home-schooled, so it's my lovely Mother who grades my work. So, today my Mom was grading my work(still is. She's in the chair next to me as I'm writing this, actually. ;])and she looked at me. Being completely serious, she stated,"You're missing half your problems, Abbi."

I gave at her with a look that said, "Nuh-uhh." Well, turns out I am. And most of them are subtracting. Now, I know that I know how to subtract;but, according to my Mom, I don't. She says I do it SDRAWKCAB. Hah. How do you subtract backwards?! Well, since I'm obviously an expert at it, let me show you with a normal problem:

The way I would do it:
Now, you take 2 and make it 1. You cross out 3, make it 12. Then make 4, 13, make 5, 15. After, you subtract.

1 12 123 134 155
1  1          4 5 6

(Those smaller numbers were the previous numbers)
So, apparently you're not allowed to subtract from the right to the left, but you're supposed to do it from the left to the right. Am I making any sense? I am absolutely positive that when I was in 1st grade(when I learned math like this), I learned it right to left. Maybe it's because I'm getting into the harder subtraction, to where I'm going to be needing to do it the other way, or something. I just don't know.

Or, maybe, I just don't know how to subtract! xD

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hmm. Can you say,"EXCERPT"? (;

Okay, sorry about the weird name for the post. I didn't wanna be all,"Excerpt of______." That just sound borrringgg. Anyhow, today you'll be reading the first chapter in Kidnapped. If you're all,"What's this. . .?"

 I'll post the description first. I really, really hope y'all like this, because from Figment(The writing site I'm on[Used to be Inkpop]) people really seem to like it! :D I'm trying a new writing style on Kidnapped where my paragraphs are linked together. Yeah, so if it's crowded or anything, tell me. 

And you're probably wondering why I didn't post a Cover Contest for it, and that's because I had someone on Figment do it for me. I couldn't really find exactly what I wanted, so I asked someone to do it. I'll show the cover too.(:

Everyone thinks I'm dead. But they don't really know that I'm alive. They don't know that the person they found in the woods isn't me. And that guy they put in jail? He didn't kill me, he doesn't even know me. Well, I'm sure he does now, because I'm pretty famous around town as the girl who was kidnapped and killed. 
But like I said, I'm not dead. I'm fully alive, I'm healthy, and I am in love. You're probably wondering with who, because since I've been kidnapped, whoever sees me will automatically go to the police, right? Well, let me tell you. I'm in love with my kidnapper.

Chapter one: 

CHAPTER ONE: Past (November 12th, 2004)

I was eight years old when I was kidnapped. Dad had just left for work, and mom was teaching Nicholas, my older brother, how to use the washing machine. I couldn't take the noise, so I decided to go outside. I will never know if my mom heard me when I said that I was going outside, but I did try to tell her. I was playing with my little doll that I got as an early birthday present. My birthday was the next day. Anyways, while I was playing, I saw this beautiful dog walking down the street. My mother had told me many times before not to leave the yard, but there was something about this dog that made me just block that thought out and follow it. 
Every time I would get within a few feet of the dog, it would turn around and look at me for a moment before walking even faster. Finally, we reached the park. The dog ran back down the street minutes later, leaving me behind, all alone in the park. Not completely alone, though. There were a few mothers, maybe s father or two. Decided that I would go play on the swings, so I did. Suddenly, I had firm hands of someone pushing me on the swing. I hadn't thought anything of it at the time. I let him push me until I was so high I could touch the tree branch that was resting just above the swingset.
The man who was pushing me, who I now call Nathan, took hold of the chain that was connected to the seat. Him doing that sent me flying off of the swing, nearly breaking my arm. I remember him shouting,"Oh, sweetheart! Are you alright? C'mon, darling, let's go home and get your scratches cleaned up." 
I thought he was really going to take me home to help me. He didn't. He held my hand, walking me far away from my home. We went off of a road, into the country. I tried at least three times to take my hand from his, but his was too big and he kept his grip. We soon arrived in a very big field, a large SUV parked next to a small, withering tree. Nathan tightened his grip and began to kind of drag me toward the tree. By now I was crying, unaware of what could happen. A little boy, ten at the time, walked out from behind the tree with a rope in one hand, and duck tape in the other. 
They tied me up and stuck layers of duck tape over my mouth. I could barely breathe. "Aiden," Nathan laughed,"this is the one you wanted, right?" Aiden laughed with his father and nodded his head. He thanked his father, and did the "honor" of throwing me in the back of the car. I tried to scream, no words coming from my mouth, but tears streaming down my face. I soon ran out of energy and surprisingly fell asleep. When I woke up, Nathan was hauling me into a small cabin. The grass there was, and still is, turning brown. I've lived in this cabin most of my life, and have never seen that grass a beautiful green like the grass at my old home.
Anyway, the woods that the cabin was loacated at, was far, far away from where I'd lived, I soon learned. Not that I was able to go to town many times. Nathan lead me to a small room which walls were painted pink, my favorite color at the time. There, in the corner of the room laid a twin bed(which I still have), with a purple comforter with pink butterflies on it. A small bedside table, a lamp upon it, was right next to that twin bed. A dresser on the opposite side of the room. The only toy I had was my little doll.
But on that bed there was a little girl who looked like me.
She had wavy brown hair, green-brown eyes, and was tall, like me. I was scared how much she looked like me. We could have been related. She had tears in her eyes as she said,"W-what are you doing with her? Are we going to be friends--there will be two of us? I--she. . .you're not getting rid of me, are you?! Where will I go?" 
Nathan nodded his head at Aiden and Aiden pulled out a small pocket knife. "Follow me, Hannah," he said, holding his arm around her chest and the knife to her throat."Now." he pulled the doll from my hand and I cried and hollered.
She followed him and that was the last I ever saw her. A few months later, the police found her in the middle of the woods behind a little grocery store. They called my parents thinking that she was me. My parents took one look at the doll and just assumed she was me--no DNA tests. Nothing. And that was that. I was dead to them. Gone. Vanished. The entire crime was over. The man who people saw lingering around the grocery store was my killer. His hands were bloody. The Hannah's body was bloody. So was my doll.


As days, weeks, months, and years have gone by, I found myself feeling as though Nathan was my father and this was home. I developed a crush on Aiden that is now a healthy relationship. At first, I must admit, I would do anything to get away. If he took me out to town, I would try to scream and do anything to be noticed, unless Aidens hand wasn't clamped over my mouth. But as the days went buy, I noticed something: I'm never going to be able to leave. I'm here forever. Not that I mind. Although, I wouldn't mind going to visit my parents and tell them that I'm safe, okay, and well, alive. I hope to do that on my sixteenth birthday, with my new identity as Erica Blackstone, daughter of Nathan Blackstone. And Aiden just so happens to have the same last name.
Everything, as Nathan would say, is going to turn out perfect.


Present (November 12th 2012)

I laugh uncontrolably as Aiden stands over Nathan, re-dying his orange hair. Earlier today, Aiden was asked to dye Nathan's graying hair blonde. But they rinsed it too quickly and it turned bright orange. Now, after spending a while looking up how to get newly dyed hair color out of your hair(on our very, so very slow Internet, I might add), we're finally re-dying it. This is the only solution we could find that wouldn't involve bleaching his hair.
"Stop laughing, Erica," Nathan says, while laughing. 
"Sorry," I reply sheepishly. "It's just hilarious seeing you with red--I mean orange--hair!" I manage to lower my laughter to just a giggle. Nathan shakes his head, letting everything go like he always does. He takes everything so smoothly. He's a very mellow person. I stand up and walk over to Aiden. 
"I told you you should've let me dye his hair. Now see what you've done?" I say playfully as he squirts more hair dye onto his gloved hand. I kiss him on the cheek and walk back over to the uncomfortable couch I was just sitting on."I can fix anything I mess up, Erica." he smiles.
Now, let me tell you something about Aiden. He's one of those quiet people that never talk. But when they do everyone listens whether or not it's important. If he's talking about school, dinner, or his friends--anything. Everyone listens. He doesn't really have a problem talking around me, though. No, really. He won't stop talking when it's only me and him. He's like one of those little house things that I used to have. You press a button and it just won't shut up. But Aiden's cute when he won't stop talking, so it's all good. I smile.
Just thinking about Aiden makes me smile. I look at him, studying his amazing features. He's tall, probably six-foot-three. He has straight brown hair that falls over his eyes in that skater boy way. He also has these intriguing eyes that are dark blue, almost black. You see them and just can't stop staring. Plus, he's mine. Seriously, I still can't get this wrapped around my head. He's mine. We're dating. We have been for three years now. Somtimes, when I get angry at him(which is rarely), I want to run away. I get so angry that he chose me.
He chose me.
He was the one who pointed me out to his father. He wanted me. So whatever if we fight sometimes. He's never hurt me. I doubt he ever will. It's an hour later when Aiden's done with Nathan's hair. Aiden told me that he wanted to take me out for icecream since my birthday is tomorrow, so I'm changing my clothes, looking for something cute. Nathan gives me fifty dollars every month for clothes, so I have too much to choose from. I sigh, frustrated, and dig through my closet. I pull out a cute, casual camisol with a pink, brown, and red flower pattern on it. I pull a light brown cardigan too. Is it bad I don't remember buying any of these things?
I pull the camisol over my head with a huff. Well, this has gotten tighter since who-knows-when I last wore it, I think to myself. I dig out a pair of dark blue demin skinny jeans. 
"Erica," Adien calls,"ready to go yet?" 
I tell him that I'll be down in a minute and fish through a basket that's full of shoes. I pull out some strappy light pink sandals and quickly shove them on my feet. I walk out of my bedroom and into the hallway. I look on the walls and see the pictures that are on the walls. There are a few of me and Aiden on a beach. Me and Nathan, with Nathan's arm around my shoulders. Then, as I walk down the hallway, closer to the living room, the pictures change and I'm younger. Nathan's holding my hand and I'm staring at something with my mouth open slightly. 
A sudden feeling--I'm not sure what--runs through me. I try to think back to that day. My breath catches in my throat and my eyes fill up with tears. I remember I was looking at three people. A woman, a man, and a little boy. I can't specifically remember what they looked like, but I thought they were my parents. I'm not sure why I thought they were my parents, but I did. 
Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Aiden."You okay?" he asks me. I can't read his expression.
I nod and smile at him."Yeah. Just looking at good times," we walk outside and we head to the car. Minutes later, we arrive at a small soft serve icecream joint called Icey's. We step out and my feet hits the hard, rocky gravel.  I step out of the car and shut the door. Aiden walks over to me and takes me hand in his. He holds it firmly.  My heart still flutters whenever he holds it. He guides me to the door and opens it for me, still not taking his hand from mine. It's cool in the icecream shop. My gaze flutters around the room. The walks are a baby blue and the tiles are white with blue specks in them.
It has little, gray round metal tables with matching chairs.
I look at Aiden,"I'll have a va--" Aiden cuts me off."I know," he says with a wink. I grin and excuse myself to go use the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom, you have to go through this little hallway, and there are two drinking fountains and above those are a bulletin board. On it, there's a white paper with the word "MISSING" written on it in black ink. Below the word, there's an aged picture of a girl.
And she looks just like me.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hey! Hapy St. Patty's day! Make sure to wear something green or get pinched. (; Okay, first off, some neat facts about this St. Patrick:

Saint Patrick(hence the name) was a missionary who went to Ireland. He was born in Roman Britain to a rich Irish family. At the age of sixteen, Saint Patrick was kidnapped by Irish raiders. He was then taken captive and held as a slave. Some believe that he was being held somewhere around the west coast of Ireland. Possibly around Mayo, but nobody is sure of that.
Saint Patrick confessed that he was told by God in a dream to run away from where he's being held captive and go to a coast and go on a boat to return to Britain. When he returned, he quickly joined a church in Auxerre in Gual and studied to be a Priest.
In 432, St. Patrick said he was called back to Ireland to preach God's Word. After nearly 30 years of evangelism, he died on March 17, 461. According to tradition, he was buried at Downpatrick. There were more successful missions that when to Ireland, but Patrick was most known and the principle champion of Irish Christianity. His name is still held in the Irish church.
This was written by me, but I got my information from Wikipedia.

Did you know that originally, the color you wore on St. Patrick's day was blue? How cool. I honestly cannot tell you why people started the tradition of drinking on St.Patrick's day, seeing as thought he's a saint and all. Though, my guess is because it's been told that most people from Ireland drink.
I don't mean to bore you, so I will go onto something fun! The pole results for KIDNAPPED are in! Her previous name is Katherine(Kat) and her new name is Erica!
I would love to thank you all for participating in this poll, it means a lot(: Anyway, thanks guys, and happy St. Patty's day!
