Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Been a while

Hey, everyone! It's been a while, huh? Well, sorry about that. I had a lot of my family visiting and then I went on vacation for a little but. But I had to come back from vacation a few days early to show my house. While we were on vacation, my dad got a text from a couple that saw our house on this website called zillow, and my dad thought it was a good idea to come home early and show it. Our vacation got sidetracked anyway. We were originally supposed to go to West Virginia but the storms hit, power was out, so we just stayed in Tennessee.
We came home and my sister- who I share a bedroom with-and clean our closet. OH MY GOODNESS! ;o
Our room--you couldn't see the floor. I was covered in clothes. It took hours to clean! I'm so glad it was over. So on Sunday they saw the house--loved it. They made an estimate of what they would buy for it. My dad went a little higher seeing what they would say. Unfortunately they thought it was a little too high. Then my dad said he'd meet them in the middle, they said they weren't comfortable spending that much and were concerned about the siding we have.
It's Masonite siding.
Pretty much masonite siding is cardboard that will swell up if not sealed properly. My father assured them that it was sealed and painted--nothing would go wrong. I guess they still didn't like the price.
But the thing is they want a house in OUR neighborhood for a really good price--that's hard to find. We're 2 minutes from town, have a nice neighborhood, and our home is great.
What wouldn't they want!? Haha(: I guess because I've lived here for 2 years I'm ready for some new scenery.
I can assure you I'll be blogging more.
And writing.
I haven't done much of that lately. Good news!
People from Figment seem to like "Kidnapped"!
Well I should be going now. Bye, guys!


  1. Wow! Sounds like you have had some fun! Good Luck with selling your house!

    I hate to be a bother but your colors are so bright that is is hard for me to read it so I was wondering if you could darken them a bit?

    1. Haha, for sure! Thanks, Kylie! No, no problem at all. I can do that.(:

  2. I'm not surprised, I love your story so much! Will you be publishing it? I want to buy a copy! :)

    So glad you are back. :D

    1. Aw, thanks you so much.(: I might if I have enough encouragement, haha. I only have one and a half chapters out of it and I really would like to get twenty or so. Aw! That would be awesome :D
      Me too!

  3. You're so welcome! **crosses fingers "Print, print, print..." :)
