Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Colorado Shooting

As you all have probably heard, there was a shooting in Aurora, Colorado on Friday, killing 12 and wounding 72 people. I've held back on blogging about this because I wanted to get my facts straight so I didn't post false information. The suspect is James Holmes, 24 year old straight-A student and college drop out. It was told that he walked into the premier of  The Dark Knight Rises through the emergency exit, threw a bomb of some sort and started shooting innocent people.
Like I said before, 12 people were killed. The youngest of 6 years old and the oldest of 52. He wounded 72 people, a 4 month old of the youngest. Thankfully the baby survived, but it was shot. No one really knows why he did this, but they do know it was planned, probably a few months ahead. James Holmes' apartment  was booby trapped, having several amateur bombs that would have immediately gone off if someone walked through his door. Thank goodness no one did.
I really just pray for the families grieving over their loss, as well as the many people effected by this. I also pray for James Holmes and that he realizes what he's done and how awful it was and just asks for forgiveness. I pray that he finds God's grace and realizes that it's something you can't live without. The Holmes family I also pray for, because this has got to have effected them very much for the behavior for their relative.
I really hope that all of you pray for these people as well, including James Holmes;although he has done something so huge and hurtful, he still deserves to have God's forgiveness.

Have a great day you guys.(:


1 comment:

  1. So true. I wonder what made him do such a horrific thing.???
