Thursday, May 31, 2012

How Sweet! I've Been Nominated for Awards!♥

Ugh. I'm sorry, but LOOK at that. "Kreativ"? 
So I'm not totally sure what these awards are, but Seana nominated me for them.Yay! So honored. (:
Okay, so there are gonna be rules, and there will be questions. I hate answering questions, but I also love answering them, so let us see how this goessss.

Le rules:
I must answer 10[it says ten, but there are only nine. o-o] questions.
I must give 10 facts(fun or not!)about myself.
I must pass this on to seven lucky bloggers, whose blog is at least 50% about books.

Okay, okay. Those don't seem too bad to follow, right? Now pay attention, you'll be learning here.

Question número uno: What is your favorite song? Now, c'mon. I'm a music girl! I can't possibly choose. But OH WELL. I will. My favorite song [at the moment] is.. drum roll please,..."Say You'll Haunt Me" by Stone Sour. Lately, I haven't been able to get it out of my head.

Question número dos: What is your favorite dessert? That's easy! A Milkshake--if that counts.

Question el número tres: What ticks you off? OH. Well I could go on and on here, but I suppose I won't. What really ticks me off is when people are loud[specifically my sister and brother; at the moment, my brother is shouting squirrel to get the dog we're dog-sitting to stop coming to the door. >.<] They inherited it from my father. My sister is always shouting "so people will listen to her," and my brother is just loud to be loud.

Question número cuatro: When you're upset, what do you do? When I'm upset, I tend to annoy myself via my mind.

Question número cinco: What is your favorite pet? My favorite pet is a dog. I love how cute they are when they're puppies, and I love all of the different breeds.

Question el número seis: Which do you prefer, black or white? Black. I like it because I love the way neon colors look against it. It's just a really beautiful color to me.

Question número siete: What is your attitude? I'm usually a quiet, happy person.I'm very calm and staying away from the arguing that goes on in my family.

Question el número ocho: What is perfection? Perfection? Well you're looking at it! Hah. That's a joke. I honestly think that nothing is perfect besides God and Heaven. Perfection: The quality or condition of being perfect.

Question número nueve: What is your guilty pleasure? I'm so ashamed to say this, but I like it when people(other than me) get in trouble. D:

Like your Spanish lesson? Good. Okay, now here are the facts!

1. I have moved over 6 times in my 12 years of life.

2. I started home-schooling in 3rd grade.

3. I have OCD.

4. The worst medical issue I have ever had was getting poison oak. Or getting a glass door dropped on me when I was 10 months old(I have a dent on my forehead!)

5. I never really liked reading or writing until I moved here, to Alabama.

6. I am only six chapters into Jane Eyre and I've had it for a while.

7. I have 2 sisters and two brothers.

8. I am an aunt to a beautiful niece and an on-the-way-nephew.

9. Math is my worst subject, yet I love it so much.

10. I haven't read the Hunger Games yet. GASP.

YAY! You know more about Abbi now!

OH OH! Another award! ^^ 

I like this award. Looks nice[er]. More rules. Yipee.

 1.This award is for book bloggers only. To receive this award the blog must be at least 50% about books (reading or writing is okay).
2.Along with receiving this award, you must also share your top five favorite books you have ever read. (More than five is okay).
3.You must give this award to 5-10 other lucky book blogs you adore.

Okay, so here are the five books I love. They're not in order.

1.All the books in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld.

2. Things I Know About Love by Kate Le Vann.

3. All the books in the Sammy Keyes series by Wendelin Van Drannen.

4. Rules by Cynthia Lord.

5. All of the The Year I Turned Sixteen series by Diane Schwemm.

Haha, funny thing. I've blogged about all of these books! ^^

Here are the people I am giving the awards to(Sorry if someone has already nominated you! :o)


July A. Emmance






Have a great day guys! This has taken me, like, two hours. x)


  1. Oh boy! Thanks Abbi but sadly both of my blogs already been nominated and I chose only to do it on my July A. Emmance blog because there is no way that I'm doing this same thing twice. I would have nominated you too but Sea already did, so I decided to take some other people into the circle of "awards". Great job though! Never stop blogging cause I read every post of yours!

    1. You're welcome! That's fine, thanks for letting me know! It takes a while, huh? Hahah. Thanks! I'm glad for that. (:

  2. Here's a question I've always been curious about: why are you homeschooled? It's always pretty cool to see things from another person's point of view.

    1. Well, I started homeschooling in third grade, I hadn't done it before(the only child who had was my older brother and that was only for a year or so), and my mom brought up the subject and my siblings and I thought it sounded like a pretty good idea. So we did it and really enjoyed it. There never really was a reason behind it when I was younger, I don't think.
      But now that I'm older and I've brought up the subject of going back to school, I think it was to protect my siblings and I from all of the bad things that can go on in school. For instance, if we had still lived in Georgia, the school(one of the best in the state)my older siblings would be going to just got shot up. And there are a lot of suicides that happened recently and a lot of drug abuse.
      So, I'm pretty sure it's for protection from all of the things that can really hurt us.
      I hope I helped!

  3. Oh that is so awesome that you were nominated! Congrats!

  4. aww thanks for nominating me!!

  5. Wow, congratulations!!! I nominate all of you too. You are the only pals I have now. :)
