Thursday, May 17, 2012

Prayer requests, and an update for tomorrow.

Hey, guys! First off, I'm going to start off with a prayer request. My fathers' work partners' son just got diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. He has a 10 centimeter tumor in his brain, and is starting chemo soon. I would really appreciate it if you guys could pray for him. He's only 20 years old. That's the same age as my brother, and I couldn't imagine him having cancer.
The last time we had a group prayer for him is when we found out and we were at the zoo with my brother, niece, and sister in-law. We stopped looking at the bird and we all took hands and prayed. A week after we did that, we found out he was having less headaches and his tumor was visibly smaller! Yay!
But anyway, please pray for him. The other day we had him over for dinner--this was when he wasn't on meds and already knew he had cancer--he looked great and happy. He was laughing, smiling, cracking jokes, and was just happy. Then, today my parents went to see him and give him food and gifts. They said he was very weak, tired, and pitiful.
How could it be, a man who was on top of the world a week ago, was now so different? Sometimes I wonder if God is the cure to cancer. I mean....sometimes medicine and stuff like that don't work, right? And sometimes you don't need medication to get better. Maybe God's the medicine. So maybe, if you don't have faith in God, you can survive cancer. And maybe if you do you won't. But most of the time you will. I don't know why I'm bringing this up, but it has been on my mind for a while now, and I just wanted to get y'alls take on it.
Now, on to the other thing about this post. Tomorrow, as some of you may or may not know, is home-school day. I'm home-schooled, and this year, 6 flags is doing something cool for home-schoolers! They put their tickets half-priced for only home-schoolers, and, guess what else is cool?! The park will only be open for us home-schoolees. Isn't this cool? And tomorrow morning, my mom is taking my siblings and I. So that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. I hope some of you other home-schooled people will be there, too to share the fun! It's getting late, and I have to get up early tomorrow, so I guess I'll sign off!

Night guys,


  1. You have a great heart. Of course I'll help pray for him. Who knows what God has planned for him. Maybe his suffering will help save a soul... who knows. Thanks for the heads up, anytime you need or want prayers, please let us know. And have fun at 6 flags! :D

    1. Aww, thanks, Hilda. I really try.(: Thank you so much! That's what I'm wondering. Thanks very much, again. That's very sweet. I did, I did! It was wonderful!

  2. Awesome! Aw, no problem. :D You rock!

  3. Hi, Abbi! I've nominated you for an award! Please check my blog for more info. (:
