Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello all! How are you doing? HMMM? :D I'm swell. Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we're having quite a few people over, so I doubt I'll be on. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

Whatever they are, I wish you the best! That's all. (:



  1. I'm going to my great aunt and uncles for lunch, yum! Then I'm going to my grandma's house for dinner :) I'll be stuffed! Happy Thanksgiving Abbi!

    1. That sounds fun, July. I do hope you have a great day.
      (: Haha, thanks, and you too!

  2. My family is hosting guests. Unfortunately, I don't know about half of them...well, I suppose not every Pilgrim and Indian knew each other, now did they?
    Happy Thanksgiving, Abbi!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! I am a new reader, it's nice to meet you.
