Thursday, April 26, 2012

Family members.

Hey! Sorry I've been taking a while to post, lately my life has been really...emotional. Good and bad, I must say. A while ago, my brother and his wife announced that his wife was pregnant. We all were overjoyed and congratulated the both of them.They went in for an ultrasound a few weeks ago, but they couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. This past Monday, they texted a picture to my Mom that said,"BOY," and had the baby on it.
We were so happy, and my mom is really pushing for them to name him Aiden Cole.(: She adores that name.
Another thing that happened was a friend of ours who is really like a sister to my siblings and like a daughter to my Mom & Dad, said that she was pregnant about 6 weeks back. She was so excited for the news, seeing as though she had been trying to get pregnant for 2 years now.
She had gone to the doctors a few times to see how the baby is doing, and his numbers(for something I can't remember, but were reeeeaaallllyyy important) were lower then average babies that age. She was pretty worried, but when she went to the doctor this past Monday(the same Monday as my brothers' news)and there was no heartbeat.
None at all.
She texted my and a few of her friends saying that it was too hard to call all of them and explain, but she had a miscarriage that morning. She is absolutely devastated and my family is too. But to add to all of the stress of they day, the doctors found something on my new nephews head, and he had liquid in his liver. They told my brother and sister-in-law that there is a possible chance that their son could be born with down syndrome.
Just today, the doctors called my brother saying that there is NOTHING on their son's brain, and the liquid is gone. They told him there is a very, very, very slim chance that their son will be born with down syndrome. So, as you can see...pretty emotional.
I've been praying that the monitor which was used to tell the heartbeat of Ashleigh's baby was incorrect and faulty and that there is STILL and alive baby inside of her. Though the chances and small, I know God can do some very amazing things.
That's all for today guys, love you!!! :]



  1. Wow! You have had an emotional few weeks! I really hope that the monitor is wrong too. I'll be praying for you!

    1. I know, it's crazy. Thanks so much, July! It means a lot. (:

  2. Oh man! What a ride! So sorry you had to go through so much. :( Yes, God is amazing, and I hope the baby is alive too. You are in my daily prayers and will say a prayer for the baby.

    1. It's alright, thank you. (: Thanks so much for that, Reviewer11. It means more than you think. (:

    2. You're very welcome! :)

  3. Sorry to say, but I can't read a thing on this blog. The font needs to be a darker color. Right now it's invisible against this blue.
