Monday, July 7, 2014

The Good Type of Change

Does anyone read this blog anymore? If so, please let me know in the comments - I'm thinking of scrapping this blog and starting over. I'm going to give a brief update and I have a few things to tell you!
In my previous post I mentioned moving to Atlanta, and I did! We've been fully moved in to the house for a month or so now and we've already gone on vacation! We went to "The Forest" a.k.a the Brosnan Forest in Dochester, NC. It was such a wonderful experience. My family and I had a great time spending a week at this gorgeous lodge and swimming, biking, playing tennis, golf, volleyball - the works. The best part, I'd have to say, was spending time eating (lots of that) and talking to the family of the person who invited us on vacation; They really reminded me of my family up north. Also, since we were so close to Charleston, NC, we took a day trip there. Such a beautiful place!
It's already 6 months into the year and I can honestly say that this year flew by. With school, moving, and vacation, I haven't really had time to focus on anything because everything has been so fast-paced. However, that's going to change! I'm going to try my hardest to continue my blog on a weekly basis all the while continuing to write more. I feel like my writing has been awfully neglected and that makes me feel terrible.
Writing is my escape.
And boy do I need to escape..

I have considered scrapping Kidnapped and starting over - same plot and characters. I'm not sure I feel like it's flowing together like I wanted it to. I may just revise it and change things; I haven't yet decided. I'm also working on a much...darker book. It's about the struggles of a teen with insecurities and depression, I personally think it's great but it scares me to think about telling my parents about it because I believe they'll try to see it as a reflection of my feelings and I don't want to worry them at all.
If you can't tell, I haven't decided on a name. I'm thinking "Sliced" since it has to do with self-harm and issues that go along with that.
Like I said this book is not a reflection of myself.
It's just a subject I feel strongly about and would like to put into words. I hope that someone can read it and realize something about themselves that could help them overcome their problems.

Annnnnndddd.... what do you think about my new blog changes?! Like or no? I felt like I needed a brighter, less dark layout to the blog. I'm also working on changing the "Book Blog :D" part but It's late and I couldn't figure it out earlier so I'll try again tomorrow. Well, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this post; whether you're just passing by or a frequent stalker. ;)


  1. Abbi!!! You're back! It seems like all of my blogger friends keep disappearing. Recently, three have come back and so have you, so yay! I really like the changes, but the content area is very small. I'm not sure if that's something you might consider changing, but I personally like it to be a little wider :)
    Once again, I'm SO glad you're back!
    -July from

    1. I'm so glad to be back! I forgot how much blogging meant to me and how great it was to have friends on here. I'm glad you like the changes and I'm still working on fixing that but I'm not sure what I did to change it in the first place, ahaha.
