Thursday, February 20, 2014


Woah, it's been a while! Well happy new years, two months late! This is just going to be a quite update.
I found out I'm moving to Atlanta recently, and we should be there in the next few months, or as soon as the house sells. I'm not too excited about this news but wherever God takes me is where I want to be.
I recently went to Winter Jam and got to see many bands such as: Colton Dixon, Plumb, Newsboys, Everfound, Newsong, Derek Minor, LeCrae, Tenth Avenue North, and Love & the Outcome.
All of these bands performed wondefully! We actually not the nicer, more expensive tickets that allowed us to be very close, get early shopping, and a Q&A with a few of the bands and their members! It was very fun and exciting.
I was very excited to meet Everfound and when I got up to them, I asked one of the band members, Ruslan, to sign my lanyard. He asked my name and I replied with,"Abbi."
He said,"Hello, Abbi! I'm Ruslan."
And me, being my nervous self, replied,"Hi, I'm Abbi."
I honestly think that I will never get over that, in fact, I am still embarrassed about it, haha! I truly believe I was simply blinded by Ruslan and Yan's (another member of the band) beauty. The names may seem strange or foreign and that's because they are! The members of the band are all Russian, and came to the US directly from Russia in the 90's. The band members are Ruslan(age 25), Nikita(23),Yan(23 as of today, actually!), and Illarion(19).
Illarion is not currently touring with the band because he is in school still. But he is still a member of the band. As you may see, I'm a bit obsessed with these band members. I call them "my Russian boys." It gets on my sibling's nerves when I talk about these guys so I try not to.
Enough about my Russian boys ;)
Recently, a friend of mine has gone to Uganda for about 5 months I believe, to go to missionary school.  Keeping her in your prayers would be appreciated very much! Also please be praying for this move to Atlanta. It's going to be very difficult having to leave all of our friends that we've made here, but I know that we will keep in touch always!

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