Saturday, July 28, 2012


So I have a few things to show you/ talk about. First off, I accidently Googled my blog-- abbisbookblog is what I Googled-- and I saw this! ^^

AH. :D Oh ma gawsh.

Second, I got my Sammy Keyes book in the mail the 25th. It was killing me not to read it right then, but I HAD to wait until the 26th so I could read it straight through. So. It was amazing. Duh. ;D
I totally can't write a review that would make it seem as awesome as it totally was, so you'll have to read about it yourself.

And third. Well. Honestly I kind of forgot what I was going to say. Oops. x)

This is a really short post. I don't know why. Probably because I totally just forgot what I was going to write.
I'll just babble.
So I've really been itching to write about an idea I had, but I'm absolutely positive I'll remember what the idea is(Unlike how I forgot what I was gonna write xp), so I think I'll wait until one of my books is finished. Even though that isn't in the near future, it will happen. I want to spend today writing more on Kidnapped while I re-install Sims 3 and its expansion packs.

I think I'll go do that now, because it's near-finished.
I really hope y'all have a great rest of the summer! Bye!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Colorado Shooting

As you all have probably heard, there was a shooting in Aurora, Colorado on Friday, killing 12 and wounding 72 people. I've held back on blogging about this because I wanted to get my facts straight so I didn't post false information. The suspect is James Holmes, 24 year old straight-A student and college drop out. It was told that he walked into the premier of  The Dark Knight Rises through the emergency exit, threw a bomb of some sort and started shooting innocent people.
Like I said before, 12 people were killed. The youngest of 6 years old and the oldest of 52. He wounded 72 people, a 4 month old of the youngest. Thankfully the baby survived, but it was shot. No one really knows why he did this, but they do know it was planned, probably a few months ahead. James Holmes' apartment  was booby trapped, having several amateur bombs that would have immediately gone off if someone walked through his door. Thank goodness no one did.
I really just pray for the families grieving over their loss, as well as the many people effected by this. I also pray for James Holmes and that he realizes what he's done and how awful it was and just asks for forgiveness. I pray that he finds God's grace and realizes that it's something you can't live without. The Holmes family I also pray for, because this has got to have effected them very much for the behavior for their relative.
I really hope that all of you pray for these people as well, including James Holmes;although he has done something so huge and hurtful, he still deserves to have God's forgiveness.

Have a great day you guys.(:


Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Beauty of Art

Hey guys! I just want to share with you a poem I've written for a little contest on Figment. You had to write about art--any form of art. Dance, painting, singing;anything. I chose Painting. I hope you enjoy!

They say a smile is worth a million words, 

but you can't see it if Mona Lisa's back is turned.

Not even the crinckle of her eyes and the dimples that she hides.

And what about Van Gogh; the starry night he shows?

You wouldn't even know how bright the night is,

no, you wouldn't even know if your eyes were closed.

So I tell you, open your eyes to the beauty outside, and

never turn your back, unless you promise to look back.

Because you can't always see when your last second will be,

and your creativity is just ready to breathe.

©2012 AbaGayle Bostek

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Delirium--Lauren Oliver

Welcome to a country where love is a disease. You cannot talk, be seen with or, even touch an uncured person of the opposite gender. Well, how would you get married? Date? You don't. You get tested 1-10 in high school;the better score, the better match(husband) you'll get. They pick three people for you to choose from and you choose one of those people. And college? Well if you don't get into a college, you get married immediately out of high school, after undergoing a surgery that will make sure you don't get the disease. But there's something about this surgery.

You change.

And for Lena, she's all for getting a great match and settling down. She even counts the days! But then she falls for someone--someone who is over 18 who didn't get cured and ran off to the Wilds...

And Invalid.

But the days count down to her surgery and the closer she gets to Alex--the Invalid. Somehow she needs to cross the border to the Wilds so she and Alex can finally not have to look over their shoulders when they
touch, kiss, talk. Even smile at each other. They have it all planned out. 

Lena doesn't figure she'll be leaving anything besides her young, mute, cousin Grace and her best friend Hana. Her father died of cancer when she was young and her mother commited suicide, after trying to be cured three--almost four--times. They plan the day they'll leave, when, and how. They're so happy about the plan.

Until things start going wrong.

Author: Lauren Oliver

A great read and I'd recommend it to anyone who can stand intense language occasionally. Alex, Lena, Hana, and all of the characters are very great. In my opinion, it was kind of a knockoff of the Uglies series. Also, it took a while for me to really get into it. Around fifty to one hundred pages is how long it took. But don't worry! You'll totally love it.

It's a total, make-you-cry-more-than-once and laugh-out-loud kind of book. I hope you will read this and also read her other books:
Before I Fall
and eventually:

Thank guys and enjoy your summer!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Flipped the novel and the movie

Have you ever heard of Wendelin Van Draanen? Probably best known for her novel Flipped, or the Sammy Keyes series? Well, I am a huge fan of both the novel and the series. I read Flipped  a while back--probably right after I had got my Kindle for Christmas.

Anyway, I read the book. It's in a he-said, she-said style and very good, despite the few cuss words here and there. Her books have always intrigued me and this one especially. It is about a boy--Bryce Losk--and a girl--Juli Baker--friends since second grade. Well...not exactly friends.

See, Bryce thought Julie was a totally freak-stalker-neighbor girl with bad eggs and a bad yard--What the heck am I talking about? Well you'll know if you read the book--and totally despised her. Though, after hurting her a few times, he kind of just...well...flipped! He fell for her right as she was un-falling for him.

The story goes on and well, in the end he does something good that pretty much made up for everything bad he'd ever done to her. I'm dying to tell you what happens but I'll let you find that out for yourself. (;

Now to the movie. YES THE MOVIE. It came out in 2010 with Madeline Carroll as Juli Baker and Callan McAuliffe as Bryce Loski. Both did a wonderful job with the movie. Most everything was exactly as I had imagined, and some wasn't. There were a few parts that I thought should have been in there that weren't, but really.

It was great!

Now, I have heard that--


Sammy Keyes and the Power of Justice Jack came out!? :O It isn't on my library website though, unfortunately.


Well, I'll stop complaining before it gets crazy. Hahah, goodnight, guys! Have a great rest of the summer.(:


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Been a while

Hey, everyone! It's been a while, huh? Well, sorry about that. I had a lot of my family visiting and then I went on vacation for a little but. But I had to come back from vacation a few days early to show my house. While we were on vacation, my dad got a text from a couple that saw our house on this website called zillow, and my dad thought it was a good idea to come home early and show it. Our vacation got sidetracked anyway. We were originally supposed to go to West Virginia but the storms hit, power was out, so we just stayed in Tennessee.
We came home and my sister- who I share a bedroom with-and clean our closet. OH MY GOODNESS! ;o
Our room--you couldn't see the floor. I was covered in clothes. It took hours to clean! I'm so glad it was over. So on Sunday they saw the house--loved it. They made an estimate of what they would buy for it. My dad went a little higher seeing what they would say. Unfortunately they thought it was a little too high. Then my dad said he'd meet them in the middle, they said they weren't comfortable spending that much and were concerned about the siding we have.
It's Masonite siding.
Pretty much masonite siding is cardboard that will swell up if not sealed properly. My father assured them that it was sealed and painted--nothing would go wrong. I guess they still didn't like the price.
But the thing is they want a house in OUR neighborhood for a really good price--that's hard to find. We're 2 minutes from town, have a nice neighborhood, and our home is great.
What wouldn't they want!? Haha(: I guess because I've lived here for 2 years I'm ready for some new scenery.
I can assure you I'll be blogging more.
And writing.
I haven't done much of that lately. Good news!
People from Figment seem to like "Kidnapped"!
Well I should be going now. Bye, guys!