Saturday, March 10, 2012

Your Thoughts On My Blog's New Design And The Pluses Of Writing

Bonjour, lovelies! I know some of you are writers and some of you are not. So, I'm not going to make this entire post about the pluses of writing. Until then, the pluses:

  •  You get to create a unique, fabulous story, and put whatever you want in it! How cool is that? I mean, you kind of design someone and their life. Give them their own personality. You give them life! You're kind of like a mother, you know? You're with them while they grow, go through their troubles(although, you kind of are starting their troubles. . .) with them, you help them become better--or worse--people.
  • This one is my absolute favorite--you create your character! You picture what they look like in your mind and put it on paper(or the computer ;D). They could have blonde hair, red hair, black, brown, pink!, blue!, green!. I mean, c'mon people! You can really do anything with your character. Full lips? Thin lips? Chinese? Polish? English? French? Anything! I encourage y'all to have fun when you're writing. Do what you want, not something that you believe that you need to do to make something "good enough." Because, the truth is, it's good enough without all of that phooey people want you to put in your writing.
  • Last, but of course not least, you have an experience when you write. You can see the stressfulness of writing, the fun of it, and the time it takes. The stress may not be what you want, but trust me, it will help. It will help you deal with future stress that may come when your book is being published. It helps shape you into a person.

Now, for what you non-writers are waiting for: more fun stuff. d:

Do you like the new design? I decided I should change it--to make it more professional-looking, ya know? I think it also has this little cute side to it too. Like, it looks professional-ish, but it still looks fun-ish. As you can see, I changed the font, and some of the colors. I also added an actual "Quote of the Day" so I don't have to keep changing it everyday(yes, that was me). What do you think of it? Too serious? Not serious enough?

Anyway, I'd also like to ask about the cover for "Kidnapped" I'm thinking I want her(she doesn't have a name yet) to be standing kind of in a dark background, with a man's hand over her mouth, with her having either a happy or a surprised expression on her face. What do you think? Feel free to critique my idea and share your ideas, guys.:] I'm open to them.


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