Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love sick.

Hello. Bloggers! I am once again on my iPad, so please excuse the slip ups of I don't find them. These things are awesome and all, but there is so much you can't do. Happy valentines day! Winter jam was awesome. Unfortunately, didn't get those tickets, BUT. We had really awesome seats!:D so hurray! My weekend was busy, busy, busy. Saturday was winter jam, Sunday was church and life group, Monday was school, a valentines day party for us homeschooled kids(:, and we also had girls' bible study for teens(I'm not a teen, but the teacher said I could go), which was awesome & I'm going next Monday, too. We went to Starbucks for it! Yum! Today, though, is nothing. ;o Amen to that! Tomorrow I have fusion, a teen church thing. You know, when you have church on a Wednesday? Yeah, that's it, haha(: Then on Thursday I have co-op. I'm super busy, but I love it. I still have time to read :D speaking of reading, there's an awesome series I think I might just be in love with! It's called the Charmed Life series. It's written by Jenny B. Jones, a Christian author. I think thats awesome, that she's Christian. It has a tad bit of romance, so woohoo! Haha.(; it is a great valentines day read, though it is not written for v-day. A good valentines day, read is Love? Maybe. By Heather Hepler. She writes some awesome books. It's pretty romantic, and really, really cute. Anyway, you may be wondering about the title of this post. I'm not literally love sick. I'm just sick >.< Last night was bible study, right? So we host it at Starbucks, and I ordered a venti vanilla ice coffee with milk--my favorite drink. You should try it. Anyway, I got a refill right before we left, and I felt so sick. Too much caffeine, my mom says. I was shaking, it was hard to breathe, and I was dizzzzy! It was hard to go to sleep, but I eventually did. Today isn't any better. My stomach hurts. :/ umm woah. This is off note but I just made the iPad keyboard go in ha F! How?idont know, haha. Okay! I fixed it! Haha(: OKAY, anyway! I hope you have a wonderful valentines day! :D My dad is out of town, and I'm sure my mom feels lonely ): she's teaching chemistry to my older sister and brother. What an awesome way to spend your valentines day, right? Sigh. I need to go take a math and science test. Enjoy your valentines day!(: --Abbi


  1. Poor Abbi! I actually just read the Charmed Life series this Christmas Vacation and loved it!

    1. It's an amazing series! I just love it. I finished the 3rd books yesterday. Ugh, I miss it. ;o

  2. I hope you feel better soon. Yeah, the coffee at Starbucks is too harsh. My brother, sister and I switched to The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf and order a decaf mocha and I totally recommend. It doesn't cause me to shake and it feels so much smoother than the Starbucks frappuchinos.

    OOh cool! Let me know how the Charmed Life is. If it sounds good, I might get one. :)

    1. Thanks!(: It really is. Sometimes I make frappes similar to the Starbucks ones, and I don't feel as bad as I do from theirs. I may just stick to the homemade ones. :D Thanks for the suggestion! :3

    2. You're very welcome! :D Good idea.

  3. Feel better soon, i love starbucks but once in a while and i never finish it anyway or i order a small.

    sounds like a good book i hope i can find it at the library. :)

    1. Thanks[: Me too. It is an awesome series, Rose. No kidding. They are wicked. :D

  4. Ugh...iPads tend to drive me crazy! I have soo many more typos!! :) My dad was out of town too!!! (For the third year in a row!) Our poor moms!
