Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 and 2012.

Well, WOW. Today is New Years Eve, people! Isn't this exciting?! A new year. New people. New faces. New experiences! Now, I know there's a lot of people going around pulling their hair out saying, "The world is coming to an end in a flipping year!" If you're one of those people, I'm sorry If I offended you. I don't believe that the world is coming to an end in 2012. I do believe it's going to end soon, though (I'll have a post about it soon, hopefully). I have no idea, so I'm not going to go jump of a cliff in order to save the world. At home, me and my family do joke around about the world ending. Like today, I was making my mom some coffee and I walked up to her and said "Hey, mom, can you believe the worlds going to be ending in a year?" She smiled back and went along with it. "I know. It's crazy, huh?"

I'm very excited to have a new year, and I sure hope you are too! I'm going to ask a simple question for you to answer;

Question #1: What is your new years resolution?

Have fun this new year, and be safe! :-)



  1. mine would have to be read more books!
    i know right this year went by so quick for me :(
    well got to go were having a big party tonight yaay!

  2. @Rose I have to agree that it has gone by so quickly! Party's are always great. I hope you have fun! :-)
