Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tears, Cheers, and Fears

Good evening! 

Welcome to my blog! Recognize it? I didn't think so. You also may have had a hard time finding me..
I started off as
That eventually changed to
But once again it has changed - I think for good - to

What inspired this name? Well my blog of course. I've noticed that the direction I've taken with this blog hasn't been going the route that I've intended: a book blog.
So I decided to change it up a little. I'll share a great book that I may encounter, but for the most part this blog is all about my life. The people I meet, the lessons I learn, the businesses I discover, the music that moves me, and the God that guides me.

To start off this new blog I'm going to introduce you to my boyfriend, Connor.

That picture was taken just days before he left for bootcamp. We were eating dinner over at my house and goofing around, so my dad decided to take a picture of us. Obviously I didn't post the silly picture, that wasn't flattering to either of us. ;)

The reason I want to introduce this guy is because he is such a huge part of my life, and today (September 17th) is actually our 7 month anniversary, also the 1 month anniversary of him being away at bootcamp. This past month has been incredibly difficult for me for many reasons.
The main reason is the obvious one: he's becoming a Marine and this world is decaying quickly. So naturally I fear for his life. I've been with this amazing guy for only seven months but I mean it when I say these months have changed my life. I've never been able to experience such a loving, caring, ambitious, respectful, and godly person in my whole life. I've been so blessed to know him and for us to have such a strong relationship.

 I can't say we've been through the "up's and down's" because we haven't. Our relationship is so healthy, we don't have any down's. What a blessing that is. Whenever Connor left for boot camp, I could have easily decided that it was a "down" but it wasn't. The more I look into it I find that it's just another "up." We are going through something that two kids our age usually never go through. And the end result? A stronger relationship with God and each other.

I was terrified of being away from him, especially because of the lack of communication we would experience for the next three months; however, I learned to grow out of that. I learned that this was only the beginning, and although it was hard, we both were not alone in our fear. God will always be with us in our relationship so long as we are together. I handed my fear over to God when Connor left and that was the wisest decision I could ever make. I do have my bad days, but God has exchanged my fear for faith.

I have this peace about Connor's safety, our relationship, and peace that everything will be okay. That was something I never had until now. I never needed peace before now, and God gave it to me. It really is an incredible thing. I've never been able to have an experience with such a supernatural thing before. Whenever I say that I have peace I mean that I do not worry; God has taken away my worry and replaced it with peace. It's as simple as that. It really isn't something that you can easily explain. You just have to experience it.

The hardest part about being away from my boyfriend is that I know that his training is not easy. I know that it's going to exhaust him and hurt him and he will not feel well. Being a natural caregiver this is a huge struggle for me because I want him to feel better and I want to be the one to make him feel better, even though that's impossible. My entire relationship with Connor is truly a lesson for me, I believe. It's a lesson of faith, patience, and love. 

I think every person that is brought into our lives is put there for a reason. There is a reason behind every person's existence and it's up to us to help discover why they're on this earth. A lot of people roam around for so long without knowing why they are here and whether or not it's worth it to stay. But if you haven't experienced something to urge you to stay on earth a little while longer, that just means that good is still to come. But let's save that subject for another post. I hope you enjoyed meeting my boyfriend, I sure did!

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