Sunday, September 6, 2015

Faith Vs. Fear

Hey everyone!

I hope you're having a great Labor Day weekend.
I've had a long day, so I've got a little message for everyone who may need it. 
As the post says, this discussion will be about Faith Vs. Fear. Everyone in this world is going to go through hard times - that's obvious. What's also obvious is that life is full of choices. Whenever you put together hard times + choices we make, often times these things are very tied to one another. What I mean is that often our choices affect our hard times and the choices we make through hard times often affect our other times. Comprende? It's like a circle.
Choices lead to good or hard times and the choices we make in the midst of those  good or hard times lead to more good or hard times. It's pretty simple, actually. One of the most difficult decisions we will have to make is to decide whether we will trust God or trust the devil. Typically this decision is made without us realizing it, but it is still a decision made.

Abraham is a good example. He was a great man of faith but he made a silly mistake by doing things his way rather than God's way (Gen. 20). Although Abraham was great with following God's will, he made the mistake of thinking like a human before consulting God. This is never a good decision. Abraham thought he was doing the right thing whenever he was really just lacking faith in God and putting faith into himself because he believed he knew what was right. Everyone makes this mistake.

We need to trust God, not ourselves. We will always think we know what's good for ourselves, but we always find out that God knows what's best for us. A lot of times we get in a rut and because we don't feel like we are going anywhere, we take action. Is God inspiring you to take action? Do it.
Are you inspiring yourself to take action? Consult God.
 We are only human, we do not know what's good for us. We know what may benefit us, not what's good for us.

I promise there's a difference. God doesn't serve those who serve themselves. We were not put on this earth to live our own lives for ourselves, our lives are devoted to our Creator. Instead  of choosing fear and looking at the negatives of a situation, let's choose faith and look at how God can work through it.

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