Saturday, September 19, 2015

Do You Feel?


Are you sitting at your computer on this great Saturday night eating gluten free cookies and drinking a "Frostie" root beer? Well you're really missing out if you're not! I didn't really come here to diss your Saturday night escapades, believe it or not. I came here to blog about this song that has really been pressing on my heart lately.
Here's the music video for it.
"Do You Feel" by The Rocket Summer.

If you're not in the mood to listen to this song, just pay close attention to the lyrics posted below:
I'm thinking 'bout other things I heard about today
All this week and tomorrow
And how these hands can create some better things, for bettering
But you see for now I got my own things

I can't help it, I got too many issues I own
So I cannot help I'm afraid, yeah
But keep on preachin', preachin' and heal the world
Lip service makes us look great

Do you feel the weight of the world singin' sorrow
Or to you, is it just not real
'Cause you got your own things
Yeah, we all have our things I guess

I guess my mind wanders off from time to time
Sometimes I convince myself that all is fine
In the world it's not mine why should I have to try
To fix things I didn't create or contrive

Do you feel the weight of the world singin' sorrow
Or to you, is it just not real
'Cause you got your own things
Yeah, we all have so many things

Have the habits had you
Has it been for long
Can you feel the souls behind
What's going on

Personally, I think these are some pretty powerful lyrics. Why? They're true! This song literally talks about seeing people in need and ignoring it because we have our own problems. I mean, why try to help someone else when we can't help ourselves, right?


The beginning of Luke 12:33  gives us an exact example of why that is false.

"Sell your possessions and give to the poor."

This verse obviously says that what we have - if anything - should be given to someone more needy. A perfect example as to why we should help one another is clear in John 15:12
"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."

Jesus didn't walk past someone in need. Jesus didn't ignore the starving, restless, or hurt person.
James 2:14-17

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

Get the point yet?

Lip service means nothing in the eyes of God.
It's not too hard to grasp, really. Faith + works = saved
Faith - works = dead.
Harsh? Not even close.

I didn't make this blog post to slap a Christian in the face with their own selfishness, I wrote this because I'm sick and tired of listening to the promises of God's people that aren't backed by their actions. Are we really so self centered to ignore the sorrowful cries of the world? Do you convince yourself that all is fine? Do you not think that it's your responsibility to fix things you didn't contrive or create?

Yes, those were quotes from the song. Let me tell you something: as Christians, we were called to hear those cries, to recognize that everything isn't fine, and to fix things we didn't create. As humans we are bound to have our own "things" but that doesn't give us an excuse to ignore everyone else's "things."

I'm targeting Christians with this message, but that doesn't mean non-Christians cannot have a hint of decency and help someone in need. We shouldn't have to be told by God to help others, that selflessness is something every human should possess, Christian or not. But what is especially disgusting is the hypocrisy found in Christianity today. God actually tells us to go out and help one another. By doing that we shine the light of God in a godless person's life. That is why it is so important. 
Preaching about something isn't going to do anything if you don't have the actions to back it.

If we don't live a Christian lifestyle but call ourselves Christian, are we really? The Bible clearly says no. God didn't let His son die on the cross so that we may take that sacrifice for granted. Something I often stress is that your prayer for forgiveness needs to be proceeded by change. That may sound judgmental but it's something Christ has put on my heart because there is so much truth in it. Here's an example:

If we lie once, ask for forgiveness with a good, willing heart and try to change, God is more than happy to give forgiveness. A little while later we decide to lie again, this time caring less about the change we need in our lives because we know that God will forgive us, God will always forgive us, yes, but that doesn't mean you aren't taking advantage of Jesus dying on the cross. Jesus died to give us forgiveness, so that we may live godly lives and be able to know we are still saved whenever we make mistakes. 

Jesus did not die on the cross so that we can continually sin and act like we have "sin insurance."
I may have gotten off track from the point, but that came over my heart just as I was writing, and I think it can be tied into this message.

Christians help, Christians that do not help are being a hypocrite, hypocrisy is a sin, the cross isn't our sin insurance. 
Got it now? I sure hope so. I really pray that someone reads this blog posts and feels just as convicted as I do. God never puts things on our hearts for absolutely no reason. Goodnight!

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