Friday, August 28, 2015

August 29th, 2015

Buenas noches!
Goodnight everyone! Wait - not like that!
Well this late night post was inspired by my current feels. Y'know those feelings you get over something. Yeah I guess they're considered feelings, but I'm referring to them as feels, ok?
Very well.
Well in these past few days I've realized that I need to reevaluate a friendship that I've had over the past two years. We met in a play, immediately kicked things off and became wonderful best friends, there for each other through whatever either of us needed.

In the past few months a lot has surfaced in our friendship - something that I truly thought would make it stronger than it was before. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. Instead I believe it ruined our friendship because we only talked on and off for these past months. What I got out of this friendship drama is that I have been blaming myself for these issues as long as I can remember.

I've been holding on to something that she's let go of.

As hard as it is for anyone to realize that a friendship is dying, it is truly necessary. I believe that God places people in our lives for certain jobs and once they finish the job they graduate to someone else's life. Maybe that's just my own way of shining a light in the darkness. Either way I'm pretty sure that this friendship is over, which I'm okay with. I was tired of feeling unwanted, hurt, alone, and more.

I still love this girl with all my heart and would love to be there for her when she needs me, but that's just it - she doesn't really want  me right now. Or so it seems. I've been praying hard about this subject lately and it's been on my mind all week, which is why I feel so confident about this decision. I've been reaching out to her for a long time and have received nothing in return. I'm okay with that, though, because I think my best friend needed me to reach out to her because she refused to reach for me.

The Bible lists many verses about friendship and how important it is. Here is a good example:

Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken."

I love this verse because it proves that friendship is deep and that we were meant to never be alone because with one another we are stronger.Letting go of a friendship, whether a good one or a bad one, is something that we will all face in our life. Sometimes we are in a relationship that causes so much heartache and pain that we are blinded by the manipulation of our friend to ever imagine doing what's best for ourselves. What's best for ourselves is letting go of those people who drag us down, even if they need us. It's never a bad thing to tell someone that you need to take a step away from them - even if they need you. If that person is causing you pain than you have every right to rid them from your life. However most Christians don't rid themselves of the bad seeds so smoothly. Typically we like to break things off with harsh and hurtful words, which doesn't help fix anything.

As Christian people we are to show each other love and help one another. This usually gets us taken advantage of. But we should continue to love and pray for those people that don't understand the seriousness of their actions. Often times people unknowingly hurt us, too. That's where we should take a step back, evaluate the situation and not immediately start pointing fingers. We need to talk.

I cannot emphasis how important communication is in any relationship.

Matthew 12:37 "... For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

I really enjoy that verses because to me it explains that communicating can go both ways, but it's still something we need to do.
 We will never know the outcome of  our communication unless we communicate!Pretty obvious, right? Well to a lot of people not so much. I really hope that you got something out of this blog post and that you'll communicate about it in the comments.
See what I did there? ;-)

Buenas noches - and this time I mean it.

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