Thursday, August 27, 2015

August 27th, 2015

What a time for an update! It's almost been an entire year since I last posted. My promises to keep up this blog tend to fall short, I've noticed. Let's go over some things that have happened in my life!

  • February 17th, 2015 - I got my very first boyfriend, Connor. He's 18, graduated, and currently at bootcamp for the Marines until November 13th.
  • I was diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease that I have agreed to go the natural way with, and try to bring back the function in my thyroid through diet.
  • I went on my first mission trip to the Dominican Republic over spring break.
  • Three more of my poems were published.

    It's so cool how things have been turning out in life. Of course this year has had it's bad days as well as its good, but I'm not writing a depressing blog post today. I mean, who really wants to read that kind of stuff, right? You're not here to read about my personal problems - that's for my diary. ;-)

    Besides, it seems like all you ever hear about are sad, scary, and depressing things that people of all around the world are facing. I've really noticed that lately. I can't even open my Facebook account without hearing about a murder, a kidnapping, persecution, death. We live in a world where evil is more popular than good.

    Why is it that this is? Some may say it's because "the end is near" or that we just live in a cruel world. I think it's crazy how drawn to bad stories this world is. And perhaps, if these stories didn't overtake our televisions, phones, radios, etc., they wouldn't be so popular.

    I'm sure you've heard the term "fifteen minutes of fame."
    Just in case you're unfamiliar with the term it basically means that people do stupid, evil things just for those fifteen minutes of fame that they receive on the television. They do disgusting things for that news article written about them, or that investigation that they want. People today are full fledged attention seekers.

    They will literally do anything for attention, which is atrocious. I'm not talking about that vain girl in class who hooks up with boys, I'm talking about that man who shoots up a movie theatre, school, or church. Our own selfishness and need for everyone's undivided attention is why these things happen. Meanwhile all of the good in the world is being sucked away because no one ever hears about it.

    No wonder everyone is so depressed; they see the population going to crap and when people try to help, it just makes things worse. There is unnecessary attention aimed towards subjects that were completely calm beforehand and in return create more drama and heartache. No one is okay just letting things be - there always has to be a new issue or a new scandal. In case you haven't caught along yet, I'm referring to the race issues that have been brought upon this world and the homosexuality issues that today's society is so obsessive over.

    Discrimination didn't exist until we make it exist.

    All of these problems we tag as racial- or sexuality-related issues aren't those half of the time. I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist in America, or that homophobia isn't a real thing. I am saying that if someone's sexuality or race is different than someone else's, and that person doesn't get their way, they will always try to find a way to get their way.

    It's usually through pleading the discrimination card. People will never be content with what they have until they realize that what they claim to be theirs is truly God's. Everything we experience on earth does not belong to us. Everything we do should be for the glory of God. Everything we own is His. When did this country every forget that? Or did they ever know?

    Do we really think that God just "forgot" about us. No, no. God sees us, alright; He sees our continuous sins and wrongs and our prayers and our love and our hate. He acknowledges us always, but why should a God that loves His creation remember it whenever it doesn't even remember Him?

    Honestly, He shouldn't remember us, yet He does.

    He hurts because of what He sees, yet He disperses blessings upon us day after day, even after already paying the debt of the all of us undeserving sinners.

    Well this post became more emotional than I ever intended it to be, but I hope it convicted one passerby. Maybe not. Either way it was enjoyable to write.

    Here are some happy news articles for a change:
    Happy Facebook News

    Gap Features Models With Disabilities

    Dog Saves Owners Life

    4 Year Old Cancer Patient Marries Favorite Nurse

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