Thursday, November 21, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 20

Yes, I am aware that it is the 21st, but I'm not done writing for the day, so I thought I would post about yesterday's stats.
I'm only 23,600 words in, putting me at around 10,000 words behind. I know, it's bad. It isn't that I'm unmotivated, I'm just busy this month. Yeah, yeah I know, "You're a homeschooled kid, you should have plenty of time to write!"
But that isn't the case. I also have (somewhat) of a life, and there has also been some stress going on in the family. Normally our November wouldn't be so busy, but it is this year. I started NaNoWriMo late, I have school, pre scheduled plans with friends, Thanksgiving(of course), possibly another trip, it is holiday time which means lots of shopping to do, and I also have not had one weekend off yet!
I can not complain though, it was my choice, and it was nice to have a break. I'm not giving up on NaNoWriMo, though. If I have 8,000 words to write in five hours I.Will.Do.It.
I want this and I'm going to try to accomplish it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Quick Quote

"“I love you,” he whispers. And there is the moment I was waiting for; the perfect moment to say those three words that make my heart swell in my chest. These words I hear nearly every day but when I hear them being said with such emotion and truth is when I believe them the most."
- Kidnapped.

Hello! I hope your day is lovely and that your quest to finish NaNoWriMo is going well! I am quite a bit behind (Like 5,000!) but I am not going to get discouraged; I'm am going to try my hardest for something I want so dearly. ♥

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Hello, guys! It's Abbi here(of course)I just wanted to let you know that I'm not doing that new book for NaNo, instead I have decided to practically strip Kidnapped and start over. Most of it is the same, but I'm still editing. I feel somewhat behind though :c
As of today I have 10,800+ words and I've noticed people that are way ahead of that. I don't feel like this is a competition exactly, but I just want to finish on time. It is my first year and I feel so motivated.

What I really came here to tell you is that I have really found how to get into my book and not just be writing words down. I want to connect with my character and really just become them, like I would if I'm reading a book. I become that character and that is what I feel like to be a great writer, I need to do. Have a great evening guys! ♥