Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The holidays and an update

I did not get to wish everyone a merry Christmas! What a tragedy. So merry belated Christmas! What did you get? As for me, I got a book light(the one I got for my birthday broke already. ): ), Clothes, a new Bible, an Amazon gift card, nail polish, body wash,  two beautiful necklaces, and more that I haven't yet mentioned. I do hope everyone is having a great time with their family and their gifts.

But please, please do not forget what Christmas is all about. Many people hear that and roll their eyes. As if they're thinking,"I know, I know, Jesus was born. Thanks, God." But I don't think people understand. Jesus was born to die. AND HE KNEW IT. But He had good spirits and performed miracles, just proving He was God's true son.

So please do a little more than smile about your gifts. Thank God, really, honestly thank Him.
This Christmas it is very hard for a friend of my family - even for me to be thankful. See my blog post from May 12th. Lee was dying. Totally dying. His body was shutting down completely. The chemo and radiation was killing him. Inside, everything was slowly shutting down.

And then one day, he shut down. December 24th, 11:45 pm. 15 Minutes before Christmas, he died. I did not know him too well, but he and my family grew close over the months we knew him. For those of you who do not know, he had stage four children's cancer, even though he was 20. From the start they knew it was terminal. Actually, at first they thought it was testicular cancer, stage four. But he got better from that chemo until he went and saw a different doctor.

That doctor told him it was a child's cancer that was found in bone & tissue. They started him on that chemo. He got better before he got worse. He didn't have enough of a certain kind of cells to continue chemo. Turns out the radiation was killing him. The last few weeks of his life consisted of him only taking pain medication. His death is a tragedy.

But I have a peace that sways me. He was a believer. His faith increased even more during his cancer treatments. He was a strong Christian, I could tell. I am glad I got to know him, and although I am disappointed he is gone know, I'm glad he was here for his 20 years.

I do ask you, though, to pray for his step mother, his father, and his actual mother. Also, please pray for his three month old, sick baby sister. That family is going through a rough time, and although you will never be able to forget the day someone close to you dies, they are reminded during the jolliest time of the year.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sixteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton

Wow! It has certainly been a while since I have done a book review. That kind of upsets me, in a way. Haha. Well let's go!

Sixteenth Summer is written by Michelle Dalton but also goes by the name Elizabeth Lenhard.
The book revolves around Anna Patrick in her small town of Dune Island, Georgia (it is fictional, but based off of Tybee Island. Fun fact: I used to go there all the time. :]) It's the beginning of the summer and Anna is just dreading it. First, her two best friends have started dating and Anna is worried about being the third-wheel. But then she meets Will. Perfect Will who just happens to be from New York City.

Anna and Will's relationship grows wildly and they fall in love. While Will is just living in the present, Anna can't get it off her mind that he will be leaving for New York soon.

This Summer romance is absolutely adorable. It will fill you with gushy weirdness that you didn't know you had in you, but at times break your heart. This is an extraordinary book that I highly recommend.

This is all, everyone. I do hope you buy and/or check out this book, it is wonderful. I actually enjoyed reading it this winter, it reminded me of the summer and what I am looking forward to. Enjoy!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Upcoming events

My agenda:

Saturday: Parade(going to be on the float I helped make)

Sunday: Church, possible cookie-making day.

Monday: Bible Study/ school.

Tuesday: school.

Wednesday: Church again/ school.

Thursday: school

Friday: Usual Friday activities.

Saturday: Chores/ Church activity.

Sunday: Church/ Brothers birthday.

Monday: My birthday/ Last Beth Moore Bible Study.

As you can see, my next to weeks will be quite busy. Not to mention the 21st I have Dirty Santa party to go to and we're leaving the 22nd to go to Michigan for Christmas.

Aye Aye Aye. :p

I'm going to be 13 soon! I have a few things I want (mostly Sims), but most importantly I just want random stuff to where I won't be able to guess what they are, haha. What's your Christmas List?
And what do YOU think it is, a "Holiday Tree" or a Christmas Tree?