Thursday, April 26, 2012

Family members.

Hey! Sorry I've been taking a while to post, lately my life has been really...emotional. Good and bad, I must say. A while ago, my brother and his wife announced that his wife was pregnant. We all were overjoyed and congratulated the both of them.They went in for an ultrasound a few weeks ago, but they couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. This past Monday, they texted a picture to my Mom that said,"BOY," and had the baby on it.
We were so happy, and my mom is really pushing for them to name him Aiden Cole.(: She adores that name.
Another thing that happened was a friend of ours who is really like a sister to my siblings and like a daughter to my Mom & Dad, said that she was pregnant about 6 weeks back. She was so excited for the news, seeing as though she had been trying to get pregnant for 2 years now.
She had gone to the doctors a few times to see how the baby is doing, and his numbers(for something I can't remember, but were reeeeaaallllyyy important) were lower then average babies that age. She was pretty worried, but when she went to the doctor this past Monday(the same Monday as my brothers' news)and there was no heartbeat.
None at all.
She texted my and a few of her friends saying that it was too hard to call all of them and explain, but she had a miscarriage that morning. She is absolutely devastated and my family is too. But to add to all of the stress of they day, the doctors found something on my new nephews head, and he had liquid in his liver. They told my brother and sister-in-law that there is a possible chance that their son could be born with down syndrome.
Just today, the doctors called my brother saying that there is NOTHING on their son's brain, and the liquid is gone. They told him there is a very, very, very slim chance that their son will be born with down syndrome. So, as you can see...pretty emotional.
I've been praying that the monitor which was used to tell the heartbeat of Ashleigh's baby was incorrect and faulty and that there is STILL and alive baby inside of her. Though the chances and small, I know God can do some very amazing things.
That's all for today guys, love you!!! :]


Monday, April 16, 2012

Abbi has glasses

Hey there! Abbi here telling you about how I can see clearly now the rain is gone. Heh...sorry. I had to. But anyway, I can see clearly now! I got an eye test the other day(You might've read it in my Online diary) and they said I have really bad vision...anyway, today I got my glasses. And WOW. I can see so much better.(: It's really amazing actually. Funny thing...I'm sitting in front of the computer(which caused my bad vision) wearing glasses.

Okay, so there was this Mama bird who made her nest in our garage and then there were four little eggies. A week or so ago, the eggs hatched and out came four little birdies into our large world. Just yesterday they began to learn to fly.

There was one little bird that didn't learn how to fly though. Let's name him/her  Muffin. Well, muffin got  stuck behind some wood, and I noticed that yesterday. So I told my Dad. He said,"Well, it's a bird. It will get out, leave it be," I left the bird alone, figuring it would get out. But this morning, my mom saw the mom tweeting at the wood, and my sister went out and got the bird from behind the wood.

It wasn't able to fly, but we didn't know if it was the birds foot or the wing. So today we looked up how to help a bird that we didn't know what was wrong with. The mom was happy and fed it(it could have died without food for more than 24 hours!) and we let it waddle around the garage. Muffin got stuck in the fence and we just noticed it.

My Mom and my sister JUST went outside to get it out when they saw something terrible: Muffin's head was no longer there. Muffin is dead(R.I.P Muffin<3). We figured out that the murderer was a chipmunk.(I'm making this sound more bad then it is.) The chipmunk was just getting better and then the flipping chipmunk killed the week old baby! My mother is blaming herself and now she's going,"WE KILL ALL THE CHIPMUNKS. I KNOW WHERE THEY LIVE!" No kidding, she does. o-o

So all I wanna say is rest in peace little Muffin, and I know you're in a better place now<3 Oh, so sad. We really were helping it get better, and then it's dead. We're going to love the mom and other babies<3


Thursday, April 5, 2012

How do You Subtract?

Subtraction on one of the basic things that you learn in Math. Same as adding, dividing, and multiplying. Those are the first things that come to mind, right? Well, as simple as these things seem, they're not. I know you're going,"They're not?" 

Hmm. Well, maybe for you, but not for me. All of you know--or at least I believe you do--that I'm home-schooled, so it's my lovely Mother who grades my work. So, today my Mom was grading my work(still is. She's in the chair next to me as I'm writing this, actually. ;])and she looked at me. Being completely serious, she stated,"You're missing half your problems, Abbi."

I gave at her with a look that said, "Nuh-uhh." Well, turns out I am. And most of them are subtracting. Now, I know that I know how to subtract;but, according to my Mom, I don't. She says I do it SDRAWKCAB. Hah. How do you subtract backwards?! Well, since I'm obviously an expert at it, let me show you with a normal problem:

The way I would do it:
Now, you take 2 and make it 1. You cross out 3, make it 12. Then make 4, 13, make 5, 15. After, you subtract.

1 12 123 134 155
1  1          4 5 6

(Those smaller numbers were the previous numbers)
So, apparently you're not allowed to subtract from the right to the left, but you're supposed to do it from the left to the right. Am I making any sense? I am absolutely positive that when I was in 1st grade(when I learned math like this), I learned it right to left. Maybe it's because I'm getting into the harder subtraction, to where I'm going to be needing to do it the other way, or something. I just don't know.

Or, maybe, I just don't know how to subtract! xD