Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shaking as I write.

Okay, I received an email today. Firstly, before I begin, i apologize if my typing is a little off--I'm shaking as I write. OMG.
Alright, I'll go on. A while ago, I entered a few of my poems into the Whit Ash Literary Magazine contest and I got an email just recently saying the following:

Dear Ms. Bostek,
Congratulations! Your submission was read through carefully and our editors have reached the conclusion that you are exactly the kind of writer we are looking for. Your submission, The Beauty of Art, has been accepted for publication in the first issue of White Ash Literary Magazine. Attached is a contract that must be signed for your submission to be included in our magazine along with a special certificate of publication. If you are underage, a parent's signature must also be included. Please sign and send the contract back to us along with a three-line biography written in the third person for the About our Writers section of the magazine.
Thank you,
White Ash Editors

I am literally bursting at the seams. I want to cry. But instead I'm shaking like I'm freezing.


Thank God, thank God. <3

Friday, October 12, 2012

Asheville, North Carolina.

It has certainly been a while. Wow. Well, I'm here with some excited news on my behalf. About a week ago, my grandparents were invited to go see Mitt Romney in Asheville North Carolina for a rally. You may not know this about me, but now you do: I love politics!
I'm very involved in what's going on in our government, my entire family is. So this was a big thing. The rally was free, sure, but it was pretty hard to get into, nonetheless get a good seat. My grandparents invited my entire family, or whoever was able to go. All of my family was excited, really hoping we could go.
Unfortunately, my Mom wasn't sure if we could afford it; we still have many trips for the rest of the year. We all kind of deflated there. I mean, how many times do you get to see the next president of the United States speak just yards in front of you, possibly shake his hand!?
We got this news on a Wednesday. On Thursday evening around dinner time, my mom asked me to see if the coupons she was trying to print out did. I walked over, watched the printer spat out the paper and told her it did. Next to the printer, was the computer which it was attached to. I sat in the chair and was going to browse the internet. So I looked at the computer screen and my mom just-so-happened to leave what she was printing out up.
Now let me tell you - they weren't coupons. They were three tickets to go see Mitt Romney six hours away in Asheville, North Carolina. My sister and I had a conniption. So we packed our bags for a day, and hopped into the car at five thirty in the morning the next day (we would gain an hour in NC). They let people in at 3:30. We were awfully scared if we would get in - there was talk about if you're not there by 3:30, you may not get in.
SIX HOURS PEOPLE. To get some where we may not even be able to get into! Anyhow, we got in, yes we did. Around 4 o'clock. And GUESS WHAT. Near him. Less than 8 yards away! Also, Mike Huckabee was there. Love him too. :-)
 We enjoyed being there, even if we had to walk a mile to get back to the car with our aching feet. So...guess what...
My sister shook Mitt Romney's hand.
I didn't get to, though. ; -( Some guy with B.O shoved his way in front of me. For a while, I was mashed up against two guys. Couldn't move. I kept telling my sister that I was squished. She just laughed. ;-(
BUTTTTTT. OMG. It was amazing. I got to see my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins. Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, John Boehner, and a bunch of local people.
Oh, and anyone watch the VP debate last night? Joe Biden ticked me off. Anyway. Yeah. Gotta go. Dinner!