Monday, September 17, 2012

New life.

My nephew, Connor Philip Bostek, was born September 16th at 5:45 in the morning, weighing 7 lbs, 3oz. <3

^ My sister in-law, brother and, of course, Connor.

^ My niece, Gracie, and her little brother, Connor.
^ Again, my niece and her brother.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


That's where I am. As you may know from my previous post, I'm on vacation here. Yay, vacation. Anyhow, I probably metioned(if I didn't, now I am) that I don't have Internet access at my grandparent's cabin. That is still true, but I'm writing this at the library.

Ha-ha, I found some way to get to the library. Actually my grandfather offered because he loves it here too, and I just-so-happened to want to go. I decided that while I'm here, since I can get on the computer for free, why not update my blog? I think I'll do a book review. On a book. Called Matched.  For some odd reason this computer doesn't show that I can put italics or anything. :\  But anyway, this book is by Ally Condie.

This book is about a girl named Cassia who lives in a society where the government knows everything. The book begins on the night of Cassia's match banquet. A match banquet is where you get matched with someone who you will marry. You pretty much eat, wait until your name is called, and then see who you'll be with for the rest of your life. Well, until you're eighty and you're pretty much put to sleep (I mean you eat food and ten minutes later you're dead).

No living longer than that.

Anyway, Cassia's at her banquet with her best friend Xander, and her name is called. Normally, the face of her hubby would pop up on the screen and they would smile at each other until the face dissolves into black again. Alas, Cassia's screen stays black. Then all of the sudden, someone walks on the stage and says that Cassia is, in fact, matched with her best friend Xander.

Yay, happy ending! Not so much. The story continues on as she takes her box that tells about her soon-to-be-hubby and BAM. That face isn't Xander. Well it was, but now it's Ky. As in, her other friend. The Abberation. Buuuuuut, the Society doesn't make mistakes y'all. That means this was a "cruel joke," as Cassia's officer put it.

But Cassia can't help but notice things she didn't  before she knew Ky was an Abberation. He's sweet, gentle, nice--everything she likes. But so is Xander...

Join Cassia in a huh-uge adventure as she falls for Ky, drifts from Xander, and rebels against Society.  It is quite entertaining. 

I love this book and am off to read Crossed, the second book and to rage about how once I finish Crossed, the third book won't. be. out. yet. Not until Nov. 13th.

Ah well, enjoy yourselves and I do hope I'll have pictures of camp to show you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another outfit and a quick update.

Hello! How're you guys? I do apologize for not updating in a while, I've been quite busy with starting the new school year. I want to update you all about what's going on also. Friday, I will be leaving for vacation to Buckhannon, West Virginia. My grandparents own a little cottage on the river that we like to call "camp." We'll be there until the 16th, and I will be unable to update my blog because they don't have any internet connection.

This place is very calming for my entire family. We can't get distracted with school, work, phones, television, or the Internet. How will I live without those things, you may ask. Honestly, it isn't hard. First, we have family there to hang out and converse with. Second, outdoor activities; hikes, swimming, rock climbing(climbing rock-to-rock on the river, not that kind of rock climbing), and fishing. Third, we have the town. It may take fifteen minutes to get to the town, but once you're there you have plenty of activities. 

I will also have another book review going soon. Yay! And now for the outfit;


  Messenger bag:

Tank: $19.95 at
Blazer: $39.94 at Oldnavy,
Jeans: $30.00 at
Boots: $39.50 at
Bag: $49.95 at

The prices aren't too bad. A little high, butttt...oh well. Enjoy! (: