Saturday, January 17, 2015

Insomia Related Writing

Hello fellow bloggers!
Are you enjoying the creativity of the beginning of this blog post? I sure hope so. Well let's see what I actually inteded this post to be about: insomnia related writing. 
That sounds pretty interesting as a title, doesn't it? Yeah, I thought so. In case you haven't noticed, I'm the type of blogger that literally sounds like I'm having a conversation with myself with the contents of my blogs.
That's beacause I most likely am. This blog is more of an online babble-to-the-screen type diary than it is a real blog. I'm not complaining though, are you?
No, seriously. If you, a human being reading these words, have anything to say about my posts, SAY IT.
I would just like to know that someone other than myself is actually reading these things. And hey, maybe we'll become friends. Those are handy to have. 

So anyway, back to the subject of insomnia related writing...

Because of the creative writing class that I took this year, I'm supposed to write a short story of about 1,000 words. I haven't been able to fulfill this duty - Yes I said duty - until later at night, more so in the middle  of the night. Most of my inspiration for writing (i.e. poetry, Kidnapped) come in the afternooon or evening, not in the middle of the night. But last night was a sleepless night, and I mean that very literally. I can truthfully estimate a good 2 1/2 hours of on and off rest last night.
The weird thing about me (okay, one of the weird things) is that with this short story I've only been inspired at night. For example about two o'clock in the early morning yesterday I decided to take a different angle on the short story I had already prepared.

I copied the beginning of my story because I thought it would do well with the same general concept, and began to type, type, type for two hours 1,200 words. I wrote what I believe to be a raw, emotional subject that, with my soft piano music playing in the background, I teared up to.
Multiple times.

Now I start to conclude this blog post, by first asking a question:

Ever have those middle of the night writing sessions?

Please do comment. I would be more than happy to respond to any of your comments. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and that you're blending into the new year quite well. This sleepless body now needs rest, for the words that I'm typing are beginning to blend together, just as I am into the new year. 

Happy 2015, Blogspot. Keep the happy years a'coming.